Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

I doubt it. There’s always bugs for the 1st week.

Except Cerbs have to contend with Firewalls. So it sounds like CCP have balanced well and everything has some trade offs now from that list. Cool.

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Except most miners cope with trigs and code just fine.

So by ‘tech 1 become more relevant’…you thought i meant the other tech 2 ships? Isn’t the fact that you won’t even consider tech 1 ships rather telling?

And what makes you think the game should be balanced around big fleet fights in null? You guys are…what? 20% of the games population?

Starting to wonder who benefits from all those core shakeup stuff.

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CCP. They try to do something (probably to surprise the player base: Hey CCP did something that everybody likes!), fails, and tries to do something else more dramatic.


I never said they didn’t. What they wanted was to bolster their MT racket from purely vanity items into more P2W type items by implementing F2P Alpha Clones. Hell, you should know what I’m talking about, it all started way back with Incarna.

First there was the promise of no MT’s and no F2P in Eve, then Incarna was introduced and MT’s were implemented bypassing the player market, players riot over P2W, Gold Ammo, etc and CCP promises to only sell Vanity Items. The main reason for the Captains Quarters and Apparel items was to get players use to the idea of buying MT Items. Then they started Daily log-ins for Skillpoints which was stopped due to player outrage which prompted another promise of not to sell Skillpoints.

Then another Micro-transaction item, Skill Extractors, becomes available for players to buy so they can retrain their characters, course that’s implemented as a Market Trade Item with Skill Injectors which then starts a rush of Skill Point Farms. Somewhere along the way MCT’s and Resculpts are added but they don’t sell as good so we start getting special offers with them.

Then Alpha Clones are implemented and the game goes F2P, which helps bring in new players but wait, more MT Items are also implemented, Alpha Injectors. Then the Daily Skill Point Log-In and Skill Point Events come back and now it’s just a big push to sell MT Items, Ship Skins, Skill Extractors / Injectors, MCT’s, Resculpts, Omega and PLEX Deals.

Come on man, I shouldn’t have to recite History. Eve use to be a thriving subscription based game, now it’s just a F2P MT money grab.


Unfortunately, that’s the model being used by most games these days…

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You think I only undock in big fights?

I don’t consider the T1 ships for a lot of reasons.

They are figging hard to fit below the battleship class, (thanks Fozzie and your mid-slot nerf). That is outside of the prirate/faction ships, both of which are about the same price as a T2 so I will take the T2 native resists, every. single. time.

Especially now. CCP just widened that gap.

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What inflation? Maybe you haven’t been keeping up on current events, pal but prices are DROPPING and that’s despite the beerbug login surge.

Prices AND volume AND the velocity of money. ALL dropping.

First since the market changes. This will make things worse.

DON’T tell me all that isn’t true. I do this sort of sh!t both in game and IN REAL LIFE.

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You just demonstrated that it’s the only meta you care about when you discounted the Vagabond for one reason…

Exactly. And we’re learning that high resistance is a problem because of logi.

Go back to my previous posts. I want t1 to be more relevant. Here’s hoping for a t2 and t3 nerf.

That’s why we need to make player count COUNT (pun intended). You know what free service out there do? They put ads. CCP needs money and we all know that, but what’s a better choice for the players? Have to pay a fee just to play the game, or suffer a few ads that come on the launcher (the game itself is too crowded, perhaps ads on concord billboards?). Its not a good choice, but CCP has to make money. If you have a better way, put something up here. Just let new players have a grinding dream of not paying a cent?

Damage Controls also increase shield and armor resistances, but the dev blog didn’t specifically list that as a module that is being nerfed, nor did it mention rigs. I haven’t read through this entire thread yet, but has any dev stated that those will also be nerfed?

How is Logi a problem? At least in incursions I know Logi are the rarest of the bunch, and have the shortest waitlist, and are the people we always have to wait on at a gate. Logi aren’t a problem, at least not the big problem. We don’t want our fights to be glass cannon fights of attrition, we want them to be fights of warfare, and that is the point of Logi. (There were quite a lot of threads but none of them explained this)

Thats the point of the changes, to reduce volume (because all the volume is by bots). But the reason that is bad is because large volume, even by bots, is center to a healthy economy. We want to be able to buy everything at Jita, and sell everything at Jita.

Yeah sorry, 2 weeks free play is plenty of time to decide if you like the game or not.

I’ve been paying a subscription for over 11 years now. CCP has more free advertising now then they did when I first joined. The issue is that CCP makes dumb decisions which has brought this game to it’s current form.

Over the years CCP has wasted a lot of funds and resources into various projects that they either gave up on or just couldn’t complete.

And now all the recent changes makes it seem like lunatics are running the asylum.


Soon we will be ganking our own alts for fun.


why not, people been doing it for sp!


And they use to do it for Bounty pay.

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They seem to trying so hard, but faceplant most of the time. I don’t get it, but hope they still keep trying!

JK! I have no clue what their up to… :upside_down_face:


Apart from this announced flat nerf, which will obviously affect the chances of any rookie to survive in his/her glorious first week in EvE - because of the notoriously efficient triglavian patrols… - it brings back a question : if CCP is (rightfully) concerned about the state of the economy, why were triglavian patrols never introduced in nullsec ?