What if I don’t want to plex and would rather subscribe by the year for engaging game play? JK
If you had any desire for engaging gameplay, you wouldn’t be on the forum cry-babies bandwagon.
While I do appreciate it if interesting activities are profitable, most times interesting actually loses you money. I see the economics behind this, but to increase the supply of PLEX is only to decrease the real life price of it, which is, while good, not feasible. At the same time, it would be good if CCP released P2W content bought with ISK, to increase the amount of PLEX available on the market.
If you know how an alpha could get omega, tell me. The only way available for me are LVL 4 missions or Incursions, both which require incredible capital (that I only gained through grinding ninja gas huffing).
Extractor price is tied to PLEX price, which doesn’t change much. All these people buying LSIs increase LSI price, which means the price per extracted skill point increases, hence we can sell SPs (another way to afford omega). On the other hand, since it is profitable so many people do this they increase the demand for extractors so much it increases PLEX and omega price. SP trading is a double edged sword.
I went to the store, I didn’t buy meat, I didn’t buy eggs, and I didn’t buy beer. I bought Ho Ho’s, Twinkies Hershey bars, Coke cola, Klondikes, and Ben and Jerry’s, oh the joys of the Great Shutdown. If the virus don’t get me, the sugar will…
Quoted from the dev blog: “Additionally, damage from bombs will be reduced by 20% to roughly match the loss in effective hp associated with the resist module change. Bomb hp will also be reduced by 20%.”
Maybe you should learn to read.
Can I quote this back to you next week when you find out that you’re wrong?
It’s hard to tell without having exact numbers and exactly which modules will be affected (such as damage controls and rigs), but a little bit of playing around on Pyfa shows that my usual Skiff setup will lose anywhere between 12% to 15% overall EHP from this update.
Exact number = “20% reduction in the power of all modules that increase shield or armor resistances.”
Exact modules = “That means energized plating, armor coating, armor hardeners, shield hardeners and shield resistance amps.”
Oh hey, look. Neither Damage Controls nor Rigs are included.
The dev blog states that “ALL modules that increase shield or armor resistances”, which includes damage controls and rigs. So, does it include ALL modules that increases shield or armor resistances, or only the specific ones they listed, even though right before that they stated ALL modules…
MODULES, therefore, no rigs.
Shield OR Armor Resists, therefore, no Damage Control Units.
Edit, inb4 you’re going to tell me the word "or"actually means “and”.
Its actually a good deal more than if you drive a super or titan.
33% for a basic armor super (that is with amulet clone)…and I have seen over a 100 of 188mil eHP off of one of the faction titians.
Its all over the board with subs…but the distance between T1 and T2 just got wider.
Rigs aren’t a module so even by that wording rigs aren’t included.
DCU is an interesting question but I suspect excluded as the impacts on armour and shield are minimal
Now you’re being argumentative just for the sake of being argumentative. I’m simply trying to figure out what my EHP is going to be before this hits. I think I got pretty close.
Yeah, and rage torps get a 15% buff so yeah, one more thing that can nuke a BS off field.
True, but this is CCP we are talking about here, so you never know until the update hits…
49/50 times once its on the test server its pretty much gold.
False. False. False. False. False.
If you find this to be true in any way, shape, or form, you are playing EVE wrong and there is much you can learn from others.
Save for Incursions (which are not soloable but do not require stupid expensive ships either to participate in such a manner that generates good profit and fun teamplay), none of what you described is truly profitable, which just indicates that you are looking in the wrong places
You mentioned you’re doing L4s - would you be interested in getting paid to run those L4 missions? I Co-Head the United Standings Improvement Agency [USIA] and we could use some additional manpower if 50m-150m ISK/hr interests you on top of whatever else you earn in missions. You don’t have to leave your corp if you don’t want to. We’re a tight knit community here, and I give a lot of training on topics such as this, including “non-work” related activities . Join the USIA Discord server if you’d like to discuss further.
Well, assuming that this doesn’t include damage controls or rigs, this update will reduce my Skiff’s overall EHP by 12%. I guess I’ll see how close I was when the update hits…
Nah, CCP will be on the market again in the next 12 months - Pearl Abyss won’t want to be associated with such poor game development for too long.
My guess, Blizzard might show interest - They at least would get rid of the dead weight at the top of CCP (Something Pearl Abyss should have done ages ago)
Well, to start with, the feedback that their playerbase gives them. Folks have been asking for numbers from CCP for years- not to mention the rationale of why they do things- and yet, it’s mostly ignored. Need I remind you of the Red Dot? Still not changed, and in fact that situation is actually worse now (red dot for “new” items you moved from your hangar to your cargo hold, which wasn’t a thing at its’ launce, or not as much).
As far as this, in your words, “gaping issue” is, it’s lack of communication. In this thread alone, people have asked if CCP is going to balance out PvE to account for this change, especially regarding T5 Abyssal sites, L4 burner missions, and potentially regarding new players and how they may be impacted by this change. I don’t have the time to read through 1,000 posts and growing, though apparently I’m not a true EVE player for doing so, and I have yet to see a reply addressing that issue, or even acknowledging that it either is or is not an issue. So, yeah… communication man. If you had actually read my post, you might have gotten that feel, though since I did not explicitly state it as such I cannot blame you for not having noticed it.