Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

ccp: hi, I suggest you abandon the pit and delete the game.


Soory, I don’t understand you logic.
You want to:

  • reduce survivability of capitals
  • reduce power of logistics
    You choose an indirect approach - reducing resitances - with a lot of side effects. All other ship classes with be affected, PVE will be affected… you already give T1 BS more HP to compensate.
    You have no idea about all the consequences. Why don’t you just reduce the base HP of capitals? And why don’t you reduce the effects of logistics on capitals?
    Your approach is simply wrong.

And another thing: when I started my career in Eve, I wanted to fly a Titan one day. Big things. I have seen how you nerfed carriers, how you nerfed structures, you do it again. You take away my motivation, an I bet the motivation of lot of other players, who have not much goals left after years of play.


If supers are losing the ability to tackle anything at range other then using Heavy Disruptors (impractical for carriers anyways). Just give them 2 more Heavy Tubes instead of just 1. This would put Supers better into the DPS role like they are supposed to. As a compensation to the loss of those tackle fighters, why not give normal carriers another support tube as well. If normal carriers are supposed to “support” the supers on field, then allow them to ACTUALLY have the ability to do so. This way a normal carrier would have a Light fighter group, a Dromi and a Siren, so as to tackle the primary and allow the big boys be the hammer they are intended to be. This synergy would alleviate any gripes over the EHP loss from Plates and Extenders.

How is any of that relevant to these changes?




I would suggest CCP staff to quite playing WOW or whatever ■■■■ they are playing and actually try to play the game they develop.


quick check on the test server shows the difference between A-Type and B-Type energized has dropped to a 2.5%, meaning A-Types only give an extra 2.5% above a B-Type for the current price of over a Bil Isk.
B–Type to C-Typre is slightly less difference, and an A-Type Adaptive vs C-Type Energized is so close you’re better going A-Type and gain some CPU back instead of going C-Type energized.
Shield Invul’s are the same.

this 20% reduction to resistances will kill the DeadSpace resistance modules market.

not to mention Officer modules


What does any of these balance changes have to do with PLEX?

Can you explain what you mean by “kill the Deadspace resistance modules market”?
Do you mean the prices will tank? Skyrocket? That modules will run out?
What do you mean by that?

My bad missquote.

Sarcasm mang, its sarcasm.

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:red_circle: @CCP_Rattati

In order to make your job a bit easier, may I suggest the following:

Do not nerf the officer versions of resistance modules, nerf their drop rate instead. It is quite frankly hilarious that X-Type armor hardeners have the same resistance bonuses as officer modules. It is even more hilarious that you can get better resistance stats from faction or ABCX-type modules with some luck in mutating them. Officer modules are supposed to be the best modules available. This change could make it so again.

This way, you will have restored some sort of balance again and you make these modules very much a highly sought after item class that people would go out and search for, which in turn has the potential to create conflict situations with locals living in the Sov or NPC null sec space. Before someone screeches that this potential is negligible: It is as negligible as what CCP Rattati hopes for in his posts or what CCP hopes for in the dev blog. My suggestion, on the other hand, adds actually worthwhile benefits in the form of actual balance and PVE improvements to this faint potential.


Everything below top tier is now largely irrelevant for fits/uses that used to want any shiny in the resists
Which means C/B prices will drop because they’ve taken a larger relative hammering vs t2.
Meanwhile, A types are now required for far more content and end up moving out of the price range

It’s going to be far more of a move on the market for shields than armor I suspect.


So… it’s gonna be EXACTLY the same as it is right now?





From those as baseline of current demand, B/C prices will drop substantially, until they fall into the range where people who currently use faction invulns are comfortable with, or to satisfy those who cannot afford an A type but make significant gains in isk/hr with said, or win more fights/etc.

While A Type prices will rise, because some significant content with high rewards is too risky with anything less and not an officer module.

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as the A-Type aren’t much better than the the cheaper the B-Type, which are only marginally better than a C-Type, to people are more likely to by the cheaper modules, as the 20% has a lesser effect on their already lower resistances.

remember this 20% is off the resistance bonus, so the larger that bonus the larger the 20% reduction will be on the base.

A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane est: 925-860mil isk (depending on type, cheapest jita prices)
-28.3% resistance across the board on live server.
-26.4% resistance after 20% reduction applied. same as the current B-Type see next entry
lose of 5.66%

B-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane est: 360-309mil isk (depending on type, cheapest jita prices)
-26.4% resistance across the board on live server.
-21.12% resistance after 20% reduction applied. 5.28% difference from an A-Type for a 500mil isk extra cost
lose of 5.28%

C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane est: 131-126mil isk (depending on type, cheapest jita prices)
-24.4% resistance across the board on live server.
-19.52% resistance after 20% reduction applied.
lose of 4.88%

A-Type Adaptive Nano Membrane est: 99-83mil isk (depending on type, cheapest jita prices)
-23.7% resistance across the board on live server.
-18.96% resistance after 20% reduction applied. 0.54% difference froim an C-Type Energized, and 40mil isk difference, and the Adaptive has a much lower CPU fitting requirement then the C-type
lose of 4.74%

B-Type Adaptive Nano Membrane est: 81-70mil isk (depending on type, cheapest jita prices)
-21.6% resistance across the board on live server.
-17.28% resistance after 20% reduction applied.
lose of 4.32%

C-Type Adaptive Nano Membrane est: 96-64mil isk (depending on type, cheapest jita prices)
-19.6% resistance across the board on live server.
-15.68% resistance after 20% reduction applied.
lose of 3.92%

To show the full effects on high resistance modules;

A-Type Energized Specific resistance Membrane most expensive in jita 43.9mil
-44.5% resistance across the board on live server.
-35.6% resistance after 20% reduction applied.
lose of 8.9%

Draclira’s Modified Energized Specific resistance Membrane @6.9bil isk
-46% resistance across the board on live server.
-36.8% resistance after 20% reduction applied.
lose of 9.2%

This is a 1.2% difference in resistance, but billions in cost.

So who in the right mind will waste 100’s of millions of isk on a module that only offers a few % more if that only works out to be less than 1000-500EHP benefit?
Better to spend isk on better HP or regen modules.

1: Active tanks, especially highly pulsed ones for “heroic solo” PVP or full stable booster where they’re still relying on DPS tanking a given site somewhat.

and fleet operations w/ RR, where the effective multiplier of the resists is more important than the total buffer after the point where ships aren’t just alpha’d through primary tank before reps can land.

…so… yeah, EXACTLY how it works right now.
So the answer is, No, this will not “kill” the deadspace resistance module market. The prices of the modules will wiggle around a bit, but it won’t be killed.

Yeah, it’s a business and the ultimate goal is to make money. I have no problem with that.

What I don’t like is intentionally manipulating the game environment with reduced resources, sub-par loot drops, overpowered PvE and nerfed PvP in order to stimulate more PLEX sales, basically making it real easy to lose assets while at the same time making it real tough to generate ISK for replacing and or upgrading those assets.

Eventually over time a majority of players will either resort to purchasing PLEX or just quit playing the game.


I see a lot of people here saying “Nerfing resistance modules is terrible for PvE.” And I see a lot of other people saying “No, it’s not that bad at all; get over it.”

But what I don’t see is anyone saying “After the resistance module nerf goes through I’m going to go kill a bunch of capital ships.”

So I’m not convinced that this strike is as “surgical” as the devs would have us believe.


Rage torpedo is not really short range