Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

No one is going to be undocking much in the way of caps.

That injector nerf murders any of the dreads that use cap consuming weapons, active tanked HAWs etc. Because when you jump you land at 25% cap and NOW you need 4 cycles with a cap injector just to get back to jump cap, without worrying about running guns or caps.

This is doubly crucial on FAXs, that basically need to triage and start repping when they land…
…because if you can’t there is no point in dropping carriers, carriers get nommed on by 10-15 man kitchen sink fleets all of the time.

…and before anyone starts wait till SiSi comes back up, all caps were restriced to one injector period, didn’t matter the size so the one cap and two three heavy things, yeah LOL. Guess we are supposed to warp in and hope? I dunno.


They are on everything not a bomber, marader (or to a lesser extent) caracal.

Try them on a Phoon, they get like 15km range…and the target better be pretty slow a lot of frigs can flat outrun them.


huge changes … lets see how this is working out
i see 1 thing coming up:

“The biggest change coming in this update is a 20% reduction in the power of all modules that increase shield or armor resistances. That means energized plating, armor coating, armor hardeners, shield hardeners and shield resistance amps. This will lead to a drop across the board in effective hit points”

looks like a “gankers paradiese” to me … dd you think about that?


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The range of Rage Torpedoes is about 13km, or that of an overheated T2 Web.

If you’re using these like you would in a brawling scenario, like CCP intends it, your max range is about as far as you can control your target in order to apply your damage to them effectively.

Who cares if the missiles can hit out to 17km if your Web and Grapple can’t go past 13km? That’s 4km of piss poor application. Maybe if you’re lucky that Moa has its MWD on and you can actually do some damage to it. Torpedoes, especially Rage Torps, have notoriously bad application, so webbing your target is pretty key to apply all that damage.

50+ km range with a stealth bomber

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What Stealth Bomber brawls?

speed is almost useless. A typhoon’s rage torps is 425 m exp sig, 140 m/s exp speed. A single target painter increases your damage by +41% against any non-cap ship(and against MJD/MWD targets)
(it’s biased as the phoon has a bonus to explosion speed)

You tell me. The change is to the ammo dps.

So are you just not able to read… or, what?

I made the exact value difference here

The pithum a-type adatpive invul is 0.85 for first module, so after the change a ship using it will lose 15% of its ehp/rep power on that layer.

The second one is 0.879 which means a -12.1% reduction for the second module. All in all, a ship using two PAT invul will have a reduction of 0.85*0.879 = 0.74715 = -25.3% tank and rep on the shield.


Or maybe you can’t understand that 50+ km isn’t really a short distance - that is all I said, but maybe you don’t agree?

You are wrong. Just because bombers have a huge range bonus, does not mean the munition is not short ranged.

Any ccp reading this probably think " here they go again". They are also probably noticing the “usual suspects” posting over and over again.

So lets get it all out of the way , shall we?

  • NO you aren’t going to quit and biomass your 52,000 accounts. If you do quit, you’ll be back.

  • Making stupid doomsday threats of “its going to kill the game” is stupid and just gets you ignored.

  • None of this really helps the people you like or hurts the poor poor souls you sympathize with. It will most likely be like a thousand other balance changes, tough for about a week then everyone adapts and acts like they didn’t sperg like idiots on a forum.

Its just a game. A part of the game is surviving the changes ccp makes. Nothing you type is going to stop anything, so getting angry is stupid.


This answer is even more hilarious than the previous one. Shame, confusion for you. So which is it? A PvP only game, or a game “where you can still do all of that”? You have suggested the latter - thank you - my point proven - then PvP is but one 1 element as I suggested.


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Ok …

So we want less PvP activity??? Your sending me mixed messages…

Honestly ganking is literally 5-10 dudes i double you will see and uptake of people ganking, its a very niche form of game play.

CCP are battling to retain customers - nothing is stupid about making valid complaints. As long as they keep doing thoughtless whims like this patch - getting angry and leaving the game is exactly what CCP deserve. This is what happens when any business does not listen to a big part of its customer base. Sure, they can keep ignoring, but their income-statement can only support that rubbish mentality for so long. Most of my “friendships” have stopped playing already since DDoS (sorry, but 375000 SP didn’t make up for weeks of lack of play). CCP are feeling the pain - their new owners are putting pressure on them to grow the ISK sinks and increase revenue per wallet. Sadly, the player base will just continue to keep leaving after these experiences. Ever wondered why you’ve never seen 50000 or 100000 players on Tranquility yet? There’s plenty of newbros that keep joining… but? Keep wondering…

Customers of any business - always have the final say. Never forget that.


Why are you releasing your bomb so early?

You live under a rock.


I don’t agree that supers/titans needed to be EHP nerfed, they already seem to die quite fast in Delve anyway.

This plus the mining changes, it feels like the mining/economy/industry devs and the “balancing” devs aren’t speaking to each other.

Let’s make them more expensive and easier to kill, gg for smaller alliances outside of the big ones once again, and you’ve achieved net nothing, apart from pissing off your vet player base for a select minority of what probably are and always will be free to play users.