so yes, the rage torped has literally 16.67% less range than the CN torpedo, and 82.6% less range than the CN cruise missile. That is enough to say it is a short range ammo.
It just matters more on fits built with logi in mind. Solo and small gang fits often have fewer resist mods than fits designed to maximise the power of logi.
Very sorry for that CCP becomes such arrogant and unreasonable. Recent updates showed that CCP planned to destroy some major contents in game like mining and missions even many players have paid much time and skill on these. Modifications showed no respect to these players and their effort on game playing. Maybe CCP hates PVE players now and wana remove them in future. Why not I choose WOWS if I want to be a pure PVP player? I think it’s time for me to leave EVE again. I will respect choice of CCP and vote with my dollars.
I fully agree that it IS a short range munition. Just not with stealth bombers. I already said OK to your statement earlier, the … behind the OK was because a post need 5 characters minimum lol
So, for the past 3 weeks i was trying to get 3 of my friends (brothers) to come back to eve, they are old players which were playing this since 2003 and who stopped playing 5 years ago… i thought i was really getting there because they downloaded the client and everything… but the oldest brother went to check out this new forum and said “dafuq is this patch?”, he then switched back to teamviewer and went back to work.
The fact you think this is a thoughtless whim says a lot more about you than it does about CCP.
It’s quite clear they have an intent for this, not just a whim, logistics have been a long running debate, and they have been working on addressing them for the last year or more.
I do wonder if they have considered making logistics not a direct EHP buff but instead massively boosting local reps. So in a fleet situation you have to balance reps vs buffer to avoid alpha.
So let me fix a few things for you. Firstly - PvP is the end-goal in your mind, but not in every player’s mind. To use your analogy:
My car is used for track work, yours is used as a daily commuter for work, and someone else’s is used to cart kids around and do shopping. Not all cars have the same purpose. So which do you ignore, and which do you put a quality emphasis on? Now give your answer to Mclaren - who only make sports and track cars - or to Volkswagen who make more practical cars. Both manufacturers want to deliver a quality experience to their respective market segment. Following on: the exitement I get in my car - is performance and results on the track. Yours is to have a great sound-system, safety features, low cost of operation, and comfort - making travelling to and from work safe and a pleasure. The other person measures their happiness on packing space and practicality. Not all cars are used for the same purpose or same enjoyment. Each needs different attention to detail to perform its function properly.
Welcome to EVE - exactly the same mentality for all ships with different purposes. Not everyone buys a good commuter car with a race-track in mind as the end-goal --> not everyone buys a Skiff so they can afford a Catalyst to gank, or a Garmur to PvP kite. That’s not what CCP advertise their game to be about. If it was, then explain all the effort on the upcoming Quadrant-2 - where a Catalyst is worthless.
As for vehicle fuel: the quality and attention to detail needed is exactly the same as for your car. Produce a terrible quality fuel that makes your car unreliable and gives you a bad experience - you would soon be angry! Every part of your car’s ecosystem is equally important to give you a good driving experience - and an end-goal that works for you. EVE is no different to your analogy - which proves my previous points made - perfectly.
This is once again a rather badly written dev blog. I’m not talking about the sanity of the ideas in it – many opinions of that are available I see – but about the structure and the lacking views of the devs on the whole of Eve. It makes people wonder if you have even thought the whole thing through. It’s just bad communication.
Resistance Part :
You start with telling what you are going to do. Not why you are doing it. That comes completely at the end, as a kind of after-thought. “Oh. We did this. Does anyone still know why? Capital Survivability you say? Ok. It’s in the text”
You seem very excited to lower the Survivability of Capitals. But you don’t address how you expect this to impact : (Solo-) PvE, Mining, Haulers, Gankers, … and every non-capital ship. List every major activity and make sure EVERY devblog tells how this activity will be impacted when you make a change like this. Or why you think it will not. At least that way we know the devs have thought about it.
Capital Part :
one would expect the capital part to be about Capitals. So why has this suddenly a subsection ‘SubCapital Updates’ ?? I know…It has the word ‘Capital’ in it. But I don’t think this warrant the placement of that part of the text there.
And what makes a really a mess, is that suddenly bomb-damage is added to this sub-capital section. Which belongs more to the ammo-update in the 3rd part (which is than not only about brawling). But you also don’t say why you are singling out bombs. I mean : a laser does damage too you know and will also profit from less eHP.
But on the positive side : the capital part actually starts with what you want to achieve. Good!
The brawler part is also decent. Except the last phrases were you fall back into ‘Capital’ speech, neglecting everything else.
Conclusion : the dev blogs need more/better structure. And they should always be written with the whole of Eve in mind. Not just the part that has the focus of the devs.
Probably by choice. With triglavian ships already able to spool up damage, adding 15% more would make it exponentially better, not just the flat amount they seem to be going for.
A HAM Cerb with Rage ammo shoots out to 33km before Guidance modules. A Hail Tempest shoots to 24km before Tracking mods. And with Hail you cannot even go into close range because of the negative tracking bonus that reduces your tracking. An Apoc shoots to 34km before Tracking modules and you need to stay at that range to track something because of the, you guessed it, negative tracking bonus of Conflag. Just to name a few more examples of short range ammo that is not really brawling.
Another fun thing is that you cannot brawl with an Armageddon the way CCP envisions it. Only the dumbest of people would fit lasers to an Armageddon and apparently CCP counts into that group. The only viable Armageddon fitting are Neuts and RHML, and those launchers do not benefit from this.