Adding you mean. The BS buffs are increasing stats, not reducing them.
yeah and everything hammers them, 30% buffer is eaten pretty quick by polarized bombers
Polarised Bombers generally arent deployed against BSes in HS. We already settled that.
Solo Loki - overused?
ROFL. Just go to any Trig conduit. All you see are Rattles, Marauders, & some Praxis (mainly emerging condis for the latter). Same could be said for the Guardian’s Gala event. Go count the number of solo Loki’s in the high-end PvE arenas. I never see any - so besides fleet (which is not what I was talking about) - tell me where you see so many?
I like the fact that BS’s will get more attention to buy, they will merely become the target-meta for all Catalyst fliers.
I hate it when CCP don´t just go straight to the point.
No, they don´t want to nerf logis, if that were the case they´d just nerf the remote repairers or the logi ships. They want that you can´t make a haven in a cheap ship, and that you can´t solo a 10/10.
No, they don´t want to favor brawls against kitting, they want you to lose your stuff in hisec more easily.
Its all about of what it has been in the last years: Nerf income, buff destruction. And not for a healthier ecosystem (whatever that thing means), but to make you pay a sub with real money instead of plexing, and keep buying plex for getting ISK.
Who mentioned solo Loki?
No, its what I was before you got involved.
Then whats the problem? What exactly are you arguing with me about?
Did not read all of the comments, but can someone tell me if the Balos alt is crying? I need to decide if this is a good change or not. (Probably a good one though)
I’m gonna say they don’t have any idea. That’s why they came up with the ‘Age Of Chaos’. They’re just throwing all kinds of ideas up on the wall looking for one to stick. As for updates, a lot of these so called game patches is just redoing the same old stuff with a little bit of new content and some off the wall UI addition included.
I forgot to add, but some activities will become impossible.
- superior sleeper cache : it will become impossible to do the archive anymore. A loki could tank the collossal waves with 2 PAT invuls heated, after this patch it just won’t be able to fit it anymore, and anyhow the tank will be reduced by 25% so … no way to tank 3k DPS on a dedicated ship.
- same for drug sites in NS.
- potentially same for doing a superior ghost site in a mauler. I made a few with like 10% armor remaining (max skills), I believe losing the EHP will make them undoable.
- also same for many missions/sites that have huge DPS. Though sleeper cache (superior and less but still, standard), and ghost, seem the most obvious cases, a lot more sites will become undoable. Eg blitzing the angel watch(I think It’s watch ? Or vigil ?) in a passive fit : shoot the structure, kill the BS, take the gate ; then burn away from the hangar, shoot it once to make the commander spawn, burn out of web ranges with MWD and invul heated until you are far enough, then shut down MWD and cool down invul, and when commander goes through you, kill it and loot it(he’s much faster than the other ones). This one is very close on the tank, so a reduction of passive rep by 10% will actually make it impossible.
edit : it’s vigil :
Whether you sub with PLEX or with a credit card CCP gets the same money out of it either way, so there’s zero incentive for them to “make you pay with real money”. You’re already doing that through a middle man, namely the guy selling you the PLEX that he bought with real money.
Just do them in fleets like they were supposed to be done. Screw your rewards, instead have fun and socialize.
You have no idea what I am talking about. Just like that “you deal 50% DPS at falloff range” crap.
Just STFU already.
Try to do them instead of claiming BS all the time.
THEN you have the right to talk.
Many activities are just not worth doing. I stopped doing them already, alone, while I took the time to make optimal fit for each - because they are just not worth.
Even the superior sleeper cache requires 3-5B fits to do the archive, and you won’t reach 1B/h doing them if you include the time to move. They are just now worse, and impossible to complete.
How do they think it will still be possible to do missions like Angel’s Extravaganza lvl 4 bonus room or the guristas room in Worlds Collide, not to mention the emerging conduits and abyssal deadspace lvl 4 to 5?
So instead of reworking content, you know, to provide different challenge, you nerfed the ships?
So I guess now days when kids learn how to solve rubicks cube, we don’t move them to chess or something else, we start by cutting one of their fingers off and give them the same cube to solve?
Welcome to western Conservative economics
angel IIRC can be kitted quite easily.
Guristas on the other hand…
I knew I should have added the “Slightly sarcastic” remark to make it clear how I meant this post. Oh well…
That is what I wanted to get at with my post. I run null sec combat sites for drugs and normal DED and most of the time it is not even worth doing them with one pilot because the drops are just so abysmal. They are mostly a waste of time, even more so if you had to bring more people to be able to run them, and only cause frustration and a sense of disenfranchisement if you wasted 30+ minutes for no rewards. And then you have this one jackpot after the umpteenth site but you have to share it with 2-3 other people, which reduces your effective reward drastically. Not to mention that you have to factor in ship losses, which reduce your rewards even more.
That is exactly why I said " screw your rewards, have fun and socialize" because that is what CCP and certain individuals want you to do.
They actually make more with PLEX than subs, and yearly subs are their least efficient cash efficient, though most frontloaded with no carried obligations.
There is an incentive for them to keep PLEX purchase volumes high, which means a high but clearable bar to acquire isk for PLEX off the market, so that people buy a lot of it either as “reserve ISK”, speculation, or to go Omega.
But I don’t ■■■■■■■ wanna someone to tell me when to do what. I play when I have some time and I have my personal goals, don’t wanna be forcedly part of a corp that decide when I have to play and for doing what…
Well, though luck, sweetheart. That is what people have been demanding for years and CCP is following through with their demands now. Better get into a corp or get more alts and make CCP’s wallets happier.
*I am not really in favor of this approach, just to make that clear. I am completely with you that it’s annoying that you are forced to play when other people have the time or feel like doing PVE simply because you cannot do things on your own anymore.