Surveillance Class Ships

There would three classes of Surveillance Ships.

  1. Frig
  2. Cruiser
  3. Battleship.

Each ship would have the base attributes for one ship of each class but would not have any weapon systems bonuses associated with the ship.

Each ship would lose one high, mid and low slot per ship size.
Frig, -1 high, -1 mid, -1 low, Cruiser, -2 high slots, -2 mids, -2 lows. BB -3 high slots, -3 mids, -3 lows.

The surveillance aspect of each ship would be the following:


Observatory Array - High Slot: Decloak Chance 15% per level of skill learned, chance of decloaking ships over a five-minute ping time. Each level learned adds .1 AU to overall scan range. Does not interact with Mobile Observatory. Will not decloak, cloaked friendly ships. When the OA is used, the surveillance ship becomes able to be warped to by any ship within a 500km distance from the ship.

Scan Inhibitor - High Slot: prevents the normal operation of directional scanners and probes within its 75km radius. Any objects within range of the Mobile Scan Inhibitor will not be visible to any ship sensors. Friendly ships inside the Scan Inhibitor Bubble will lose 10% propulsion speed and 15% weapon range. Ship is still able to lock onto any object unlike the structure variant. Has a timer use of 10 minutes before turning off and resetting, which takes 5 minutes.

Micro Warp Jump - High Slot: Very similar to the Command Destroyer’s Micro Jump Field Generator, but instead of jumping several ships 100km away, the Micro Welling Field Generator pulls up to 3 frigate sized ships to within optimal range of the frigate from a distance of 25km.

5% bonus to light combat drone velocity, optimal range, damage.
5% bonus to light EW Target Painter, Sensor Dampener and Tracking Disruptor drone range.
5% bonus to effectiveness of one ECM Jammer (effects only one module)


OA - 15% chance to decloak per level of skill learned, chance of decloaking ships over a five minute-ping time. Each level also adds .15 AU to overall scan range. Does not interact with Mobile Observatory. Will not decloak, cloaked friendly ships. When the OA is used, the surveillance ship becomes able to be warped to by any ship within a 500km distance from the ship.

Scan Inhibitor - High Slot: prevents the normal operation of directional scanners and probes within its 125km radius. Any objects within range of the Mobile Scan Inhibitor will not be visible to any ship sensors. Friendly ships inside the Scan Inhibitor Bubble will lose 10% propulsion and 20% weapon range. Ship is still able to lock onto any object unlike the structure variant. Has a timer use of 20 minutes before turning off and resetting, which takes 2 minutes.

Micro Warp Jump - High Slot: Very similar to the Command Destroyer’s Micro Jump Field Generator, but instead of jumping several ships 100km away, the Micro Welling Field Generator, pulls up to 5 cruiser sized ships to within optimal range of the frigate from a distance of 75km.

5% bonus to light combat drone optimal range and damage.
5% bonus to Medium EW Target Painter, Sensor Dampener and Tracking Disruptor drone range.
5% bonus to range and effectiveness of one ECM Jammer (effects only one module)


Observatory Array - High Slot: Decloak Chance 15% per level of skill learned, chance of decloaking ships over a five-minute ping time. Each level learned adds .1 AU to overall scan range. Does not interact with Mobile Observatory. Will not decloak, cloaked friendly ships. When the OA is used, the surveillance ship becomes able to be warped to by any ship within 2 AU from the ship.

Scan Inhibitor - High Slot: prevents the normal operation of directional scanners and probes within its 200km radius. Any objects within range of the Mobile Scan Inhibitor will not be visible to any ship sensors. Friendly ships inside the Scan Inhibitor Bubble will lose 20% propulsion speed and 20% weapon range. Ship is still able to lock onto any object unlike the structure variant. Has a timer use of 30 minutes before turning off and resetting, which takes 3 minutes.

Micro Warp Jump - High Slot: Very similar to the Command Destroyer’s Micro Jump Field Generator, but instead of jumping several ships 100km away, the Micro Welling Field Generator pulls up to 3 battleship sized ships to within optimal range of the frigate from a distance of 75km.

5% bonus to Heavy Maintenance Bot armor/shield remote repair range, 5% bonus to Heavy Maintenance Bot armor/shield remote repair amount.
5% bonus to Medium EW Target Painter, Sensor Dampener and Tracking Disruptor drone range.
5% bonus to Medium EW Target Painter, Sensor Dampener and Tracking Disruptor amount.
5% bonus to range and effectiveness of two ECM Jammers.

Each ship would have a Selection Mode, just like the TIII destroyer class.

You lost me at decloaking and nullifying dscan / scanner probes.


We sort of have that already

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The only real benefit I can see with these ships would be adding 3 of such frigs to a gatecamp and then instantly decloaking and killing anyone trying to do a Cloak/MWD or catch Blockaderunners safely. Don’t really think that benefits the game a lot.


I for one would love if being invisble on dscan was a module you could fit and not something that is reserved for recon ships. Why? Because the element of surprise should be an option for all ships. It can take up a high slot. So if you want cloaking and to be imune on dscan you already spent two high slots. And odds are the ship you are preying upon may outgun you. So there is a balance. Queue the usual NooOOo you cant do that posts :slight_smile:


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