We would do exactly that
fear mongering … classic eve online game play …
now your attention will be redirected to keeping those choke holds your miners become vullnerable and your rival null alliance distroys them all… or you pull back to protect them and the high sec potectorates ramp up the usage of the systems you are trying to abuse and boom you lossed that system … so choose
either way the pew pew and the explosions … the drunken fc’s what do fc and the laughter… eve would be great again…
Thats the point. Those who are already over utilizing resources are going to fight tooth and nail over this. Because it would turn their isk spring into a isk sink. Then there are those who are looking for content and board leaving the game. This shakes things up a lot.
yes those that use the resources will fight over it… on all sides both those that use the highsec mechanic and those that use the null mechanic and lowsec cought in the crossfire… it would be glorious and if your activities effected the game in such of a visual way … the since of ownership and accomplishment would spawn more stories … more activites and even more interactions… even the guys in deralik 1 in a 6.0 for years will be forced to play with others… and those in delve no longer able to put 100 tril on the board just in delve… still would be able to produce those numbers but would take more than 2 regions of space to pull off… it would force more battles new organization and new resource management to keep…
it would also help the server as it would auto scale… the more activity in the system the less spawns so less has to be rendered to the population… and on the flip side of that the less activity the more spaws to very few people in system… means the server can handle more …
i guess the question is … what does ccp think about it… and is it do able
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