I have a idea (probably not new but anyways) about how to make hi sec ganking at least a bit more sporting.
CCP already has the way to change System Status (via corruption) and in the confines of normal everyday life. High crime areas get saturation patrolling. Why could we not combine those two ideas and make system go up (down) they have to pull the cops from somewhere else. So either thru just player kills or kill values (not sure which would be easier to program) high sec systems like edama or other would go up or down in sec status depending on kills (however defined)
2nd idea is take ppl who die in hi sec that have a sec status below -3 to -4.99 clone to a random low sec station (can’t spawn in hi sec due to sec status) and if you have a sec status below -5 you spawn in a random null sec station.
Doing both of these would find a balance between set choke points (as gankers would either have to be more selective in what they gank (change in system status) or change to other systems to keep it balanced. Also the making them clone outside outside hi sec would allow the gankee time to also reset.
I think this would put a big wrinkle in a hi sec ganker that kills is concorded spawn in station get in corvette gets killed and can jump in a ship and gank again all in the span of a minute.
How about just no docking or gating with a negative security status? Which means you’d need your own structures to operate out of - making your group eligible for wardecs.
Players being able to modify sec status like that seems like a mechanic ripe for abuse.
CONCORD doesn’t pod gankers, so unless someone else shoots their pod after CONCORD destroys the ship, they won’t be respawning anywhere. Regardless, random death clones sounds both onerous and impractical.
Note about edits: I included the above in my first post, then removed it because I wasn’t sure if CONCORD does or does not presently pod. 1) I’m very sick at the moment, and my brain isn’t working 100%, and 2) it’s been a long time since I was last CONCORD’d. After some quick checking, I’m reasonably sure the above is accurate, so I put it back. I’m sure someone will let me know if I’m mistaken.
Docking is one thing, and is already a mechanic for someone with a criminal flag (you may only dock in a pod). Denying gate travel doesn’t seem like a workable mechanic. You would effectively trap anyone with a negative status in whatever system they were in when they became negative.
Personally, I don’t gank. I don’t see the appeal of shooting unarmed targets. But I also don’t see a problem with ganking, per se, as long as it doesn’t become rampant and abusive. I do however, dislike one thing about the present mechanics, which is that a person can walk up to me and put a gun to my head, and my only option is to run away before they pull the trigger.
My proposal to add more balance to ganking is fairly simple: Disable your safeties in hisec, and you take a suspect flag. If you’re walking around with guns out, you’re a threat. Other pilots should be able to shoot first without waiting to be shot themselves.
I think this one change would sufficiently regulate the ganking landscape since most casual gankers are not interested in PvP. They are interested in padding their killboard with wins. Making themselves a target is not part of that equation.
I really like this idea - it’s brilliant. It accomplishes everything with one simple change. There’s only one tweak we need to make to ensure it’s not exploited:
When in high-sec, setting a (red) criminal safety results in a perpetual suspect flag while active.
Yes. In case I wasn’t clear, that’s what I mean. The suspect flag would be active while safeties are red, not just a standard 15-minute suspect flag. For good measure, they could also add a 60-second weapons timer on red activation in hisec. That way, you can’t go red in one tick, and fire the next.
What salt? Being perma flashy at -2 or -5 changes nothing for most gankers and the pilots getting ganked aren’t going to be any more or less upset over it
My post that you replied to was taking about making -2 perma flashy.
Only problem i have with red instantly popping you suspect is the amount of people who run red by default especially in ls. Other than that just going suspect for red safety in hs is fine. I don’t see it changing anything as far as ganking on a gate goes. At most a single tick longer of being addressable. But should make suspect baiting easier in more situations.
Too easy to just disable safety while a target is being bumped on a gate for 15 minutes, or just undock when a target has been scanned 1 gate before.
Could counter with a longer safety disable timer, and always being on when undocking by default, but it introduces other problems.
Overall, I like this kind of changes because it doesn’t stop the activity, allows for preventive actions / hunting them, and creates more PvP opportunities, would probably make me come back playing.