T2 CRAPitals incoming. Did CCP learned previous lessons?

Goons arent whole EVE.

If youā€™re dropping caps with Snuff near by you deserve to lose it.

Especially now a few of there good old timer pilots have returned. LOW SEC WILL BURN xD

I would like to see Snuff being out-escalated once and loseā€¦

IF the new caps would provide the possibility to somehow surprise cut an escalation chain, this would be nice ā€¦ as then you canā€™t rely on the assumption, whatever they bring, Iā€™m able to bring bigger and more.

ā€¦ then Snuff would hold them back in Wing 3, in case somebody tried to counterdrop :wink:

Reasons to buy plex for the top buyers. End of story.


Iā€™m not sure what your point is. Your argument seemed to be that these new caps would be limited by how expensive they are and therefore balanced. If only the biggest blocs in the game can field thousands of them, isnā€™t that even less balanced? Arguing that a bunch of people donā€™t have money and will immediately get out escalated by rich groups in even more OP ships is not an argument in your favor.


Who are these rich Pvpers? :smirk:

I swear I know none of them :money_mouth_face:

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They live in Pochven.

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I am with you 1000%

This is why I love highsec and have been there for over a decade. Damn shame we lost the actual pvp and small gangs though back in 2017. (ā€¦oh and now its just multiboxers and a tax farm.)

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CCP never learns anything except a new kind of stupid.


Focus on more accessible ships that are actually DIFFERENT.

New bonuses, new roles, less complicated to build, that newer players can get into relatively quick.

Stop weighting damn endgame content that most players will never touch. They ruined endgame content themselves, let them MinMax their way out of agreed upon wars and rental schemes.

Focus on the players that can actually change things around, the un-indoctrinated.


I applaud you good sir. Well-spoken.

This will also include the T2 Orca :pick: :ice_cube: :smile_cat:

They call them ā€œLance dreadsā€ for some AoE damage purposes, as you may noticed. Letā€™s see how it will turn on to have some dreads with higher tank and less dps than current faction dreads.

The worst part about this is that it will ruin current prices on TII subcap ships, like Orcaā€™s Excavator drones ruined prices for all Augmented drones and last industry changes ruined prices on pirate and faction subcap ships. Past experience shows that itā€™s a bad idea to have the same required components in capital and subcapital industry. High demand Capital industry will pump up prices on small ships based on average median. I mean the ratio ā€œMake/kill 1B ISK/hourā€ will always beat ā€œMake/kill 20M ISK/hourā€.

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