T3 Exhumer thoughts

T2 ships are already more than enough.

Procurer / Skiff is the tanky miner (best EHP)
Retriever / Mackinaw is the solo miner (best internal storage)
Covetor / Hulk is the fleet miner (fastest pace)

If you made a T3 that combined these features… it’d just be the new thing everybody strives for.

T3Cs are a Swiss Army cruiser. They can either pretend to be a HAC, or they can pretend to be a Recon. But they aren’t the end goal for anybody in particular. If you made T3 Miners with combined features like EHP, storage, and pace, everybody would skip straight to them and use them forever.

The reason people use Orcas and Rorquals is laziness. They want “passive” income. If you want “active” income, you use a Mack or Hulk (depending on fleet availability). If they’re lazy, they’ll still use Orcas and Rorqs. But if they’re active, they’ll use the ultra efficient T3s instead.

It’s not adding variety. It’s just changing the meta. Like introducing some PvE ship that’s better than the Gila is lately. You’d just replace the Gila, not make “an alternative”.