Tech 3 Battleship: Self-Fitting Siege Battleship

You can’t use Singularity to demonstrate something that relies on economic factors.

So it’s going to remain an in-club for people who can afford titans? I’m not suggesting any sort of power creep, only a (ideally very balanced) way to break tank with a smaller number of ships. Ideally, these won’t even be good in a large battleship fleet because you can already blap anything you focus fire on. Although a large group of these could blap a capital ship, but it wouldn’t be cheap to do it, and then they’d be stuck in place for a while.

Aside from capital ships (which have their own difficulties), it’s essentially only Marauders that have this, and they do it entirely defensively. I haven’t suggested anything that overlaps with other subcaps.

Dont underestimate the wallet warriors.

Yes. And everybody can afford a titan. Only depends on how long its going to take to buy/build it. Ive known several people mine and PI their way into cap/super caps.

The Kronos gets a damage bonus, a tracking and optimal range bonus per level of gal bs/marauder skills on top of the 100% damage from marauder role bonus. With that you can use blasters much further with better application which is an unwritten bonus to damage while their repper is astoundingly boosted just like a dread in seige.

Sure, why not. My Golem can already tank the second coming of Christ. Let’s give it even more power…

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It’s too strong

The biggest problem with a T3BS is it would break the game. It would make most of the ships obsolete. It would be fleet of T3BS vs T3BS with just a few tackle/rep/capacitor ships sprinkled in. Least in hisec.

As amusing as it would be to see a swarm of these knocking out capitals in low and null, no, these should never be a thing.

My vision of a t3 BS would be a ship that you can put 2 fittings on and switch between them like t3 destroyers can change modes.

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That will never happen until they are both cheap and fast while also being overpowered. Even when strategic cruisers had t2 battleship tank and DPS with t2 battleship price it still wasn’t even the majority of what was flown. The big factor here is the cost.

They might be overpowered, but they’re not THAT overpowered, and I can’t take your comment seriously if you have this poor of a grasp of EVE economics.

That’s a pretty cool idea.

Everybody will want one. Industry will churn them out to make isk. Theyll start high priced. Thats a promise. But all the ways to get the resources will be farmed and the price will drop.

I’m not convinced of that. How exactly is a sluggish battleship that’s only good in siege mode something that everybody will want? Do you really think it’ll upturn cruiser roams?

You spoke of subsystems covering reps, seige, drones, pretty much every role already filled. They will be so OP that people will fill each of those roles with one of these ships.

Seige engines will set. RR will orbit and lock up friendlies. Ewar will block enemy RR. Seige engines will blap, etc. The counter will be more of the T3BS. So instead of a mixed fleet of ship sizes as we see now, it will be mixed race T3BS.

Edited for grammar.

You could attempt to make the same arguments against the T3Cs, and yet there they are.

With the right subs, you can make a T3 HAC. Swap some fits, and it’s a T3 Recon. Did they outright replace all the HACs and Recons? Nope… b/c they’re too expensive by comparison, and b/c you lose SP if you die while sitting in one.

The T3BS will just be a bigger stronger T3C. Theyll end up being the capitals of hisec.

I still feel like you aren’t reading the post.
60.0 sec

How does this work with your idea that they will be doing every job at once?

Im mildly insulted.

There are two types of people. Those that can extrapulate from incomplete data.

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And those who can’t argue effectively, so they resort to quoting cliches.

If they’re Sieged, then they can’t orbit. If they aren’t Sieged, then they won’t be much better at RR or EW than any other BS would be. And OP said nothing about increasing their Tank while they’re Sieged. So if they do Siege to get the subsystem benefits, they’re literally sitting ducks.

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He started this subject speaking of sub systems to make a battleship like carriers, fax, titan with a doomsday weapon, dread. When did it only come down to the dread type we were talking about? When did I say these ships would be doing everything at once?

The point of a fleet is to have ships filling each of these roles.

And if it’s a fleet of ships that have to Siege in place in order to do their jobs… Then you’d better bring a lot of them since they’ll all be sitting ducks.

The stationary Dreads will have shitty tracking, so any group of combatants smart enough to orbit will be unharmed. But a group that decides to bring their own T3BS will get pounded when they too decide to Siege in place.

The Sieged RR might be able to keep the others alive, but guess who’s getting Primary’d first?

The Titan DD is the only issue, but personally I’d just say no to the Titan subsystem and let them have a Dread.

EW isn’t going to be a problem if they’re also being EW’d.

These things sound pretty wicked, in a vacuum. But once you pit them up against another fleet of ordinary ships, they’re probably going to crumble. They’d only be useful against another fleet like themselves. Two sides, totally Sieged in place, slugging it out until someone loses.

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What type of ewar? Ecm, damps, tackle, disruption or target painting?

Actually I said they get a self-rep bonus but at the cost of not being able to receive RR.

I was confused as to what part of my post you hadn’t read. I wasn’t sure if you thought they could do every role at once, do team roles while sieged, or something else I clearly indicated they cannot do.

I was imagining standard disruption, however there’s multiple EWAR subsystems per race, so each race could have more than one type.

Its obvious I read it all when I was talkig about fleet ops.