TerraGroup - Seeking Young, Self-Motivated Pilots

TerraGroup is a young, aspiring corporation seeking the support and leadership of newfound members. We are dedicated to the exploration of new eden, participation in its lore, and believe conflict and challenge are the two core tenants of growth and endeavor to create a conducive environment for our pilots towards that end.

Our primary foci will begin with:

⎆ Faction warfare skirmishing
⎆ Wormhole exploration
⎆ Owning production of corp assets

As such we are seeking a diverse range of pilots, from miners and industrialists, to explorers and pvpers. As our pilot count grows we aim to take advantage of w-space resources, participate in incursion events, and begin more involved small-gang roams.

We are looking for newer pilots who:

⎆ Share an alignment with the above values
⎆ Seek to play an active role within our community
⎆ Hold an intrinsic desire to challenge themselves
⎆ Want to build something from the ground up together

If any of the above interests you, join our discord, and let’s get started on seeing what we can build together.

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