The Argument for War Declaration Changes

I don’t speak for anyone else. But in my opinion, wardecs as they are are boring AF and I just don’t think that this idea will make the gameplay more fun for anyone. If this is close to anything they do then it’s a waste of opportunity to actually add features which could improve highsec conflicts and add some meaningful gameplay beyond stupid structure grind.

I added my ideas in a document to the wardec discort if you are interested what I’m thinking would add value. Again, because this always gets lost in the knee jerk reaction to any answer a ganker or wardecer writes, the problem is not that it would put “skin into the game”, it’s that if this is the only direction this goes it will be a boring mechanic I have no interest in.

Not only am I not interested in structure grind, it is simply impossible for me to take part in such an activity because of the timers who basicly demand that you take a week off and are super flexible in whatever private life you have for next to no gain at all. It removes the feature from my reach completely and I would guess with the aging community that we are that I’m not the only one in this situation.


When log on traps, whs, neutral alts etc are all used to trap people with bait… why should they engage something that so clearly looks like bait?
They aren’t mind readers to know you actually are alone. And if they took the bait and then got slammed everyone would laugh at them for being greedy care bears taking obvious bait.
So yeah, that’s why they didnt undock.

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Eve is a business it needs income. If people keep playing to the point they never need to pay then the profit to sustain servers/staff/expansions/events dwindles. Games that cant keep pulling in people especially ones like eve where you sustain a paid play style by free to play means needs new people. Eventually if eve gets to a certain percentage of loss it will get shut down. I am terribly sorry but never has a game not needed new players. Your view on it seems to be purely game related and nothing to do with real world issues supporting the game.


I am fully aware why they didn’t; But none of that is exclusive to what I was doing and would be abused even more-so with a stationary structure.

You are expecting a totally open war system in hisec to continue when players are stopping to play when under them and often leaving the game. It does not matter what you or I think, it matters what CCP thinks.

There are so many reasons why they did not aggress, lack of combat SP, inability to fly the right ships to catch you, fear of neutral RR, I could go on. All it did was just prove yet again how low risk war decking a load of hisec indy players is…

I actually think the only thing really wrong as in game breaking with the existing system is the inability within the mechanism for the defender to force an end to the war dec.

Also I have suggested that as part of the change that people who leave a corp will have the war dec follow them if they join another player corp.

There has to be limits as it is different space, but you have no caps, and this enables a different style of play which could get more interesting if capital proliferation gets too much in nullsec and lowsec. At the moment the aggressor cannot have a fight forced on him, I hope that changes. It is not for me or you to decide, but CCP, however I do know that they are taking stock of this issue in terms of war decs.

Which is why I suggested that it not be too grinding, in other words pretty much one attack level.

Many of these activities in nullsec are boring but quite often they result in interesting fun fights, one of the objectives I had in nullsec was to get on a Titan kill and I was in my alliances fleet as carrier and dread cover for a Test fleet that was attacking a staging IHUB when two titans dropped to boson them. The actual mechanic of entosing is boring, but the event around it was not. Why did they attack, because the IHUB would have come out in the weekend and they would not have been able to hold it. They had something to defend, you see?

This is a valid point, however I have to say that if you war dec someone and then don’t log in what is that, you also need to war dec entities within your own TZ. I for one do not stay up above a certain time, in fact wife is pushing me to go to bed now, so I miss a certain level of interesting content. There has to be a cost to poor target selection, and as such TZ is always going to be an issue on such a global game. That is Eve.

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You do know that what they sell is a game right? So if someone cares about the game he cares about the thing that makes CCP profit. And there is NO reason at all that the carebear propaganda of making the game softer will increase the player base.

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You do realise if people can avoid paying for something they will right. Just because someone likes a game does not mean they want to spend money on it right. Are you honestly telling me you have never even once paid for plex with isk?

Regardless of the carebear agenda or not i was not even talking about that. I was talking about the game needing new players.

They most defiantly were not indy players.

Look theres a stupid easy fix for this. A pvp server with no concord period and a pve server with concord in every sector. Then both parties win end of story.

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Yeah, what are you actually trying to say here besides another of your stories no one is interested in? That because it works that way in null it should be the same in highsec? If I was interested in long ass battles of such a kind I would join a null alliance. But I’m not, why would anyone be interested in highsec wardecs if it’s just a cheap version of nullsec warfare?

Which is pretty easy if you wardec someone who is on while you play because the odds are that’s his play time and that of his corp. If I hunt them or they hunt me I can do that when I’m on and maybe on of them is too. That’s not the same as some structure who has timers and demand that I come back twice. I mean that’s fine for some people, but how many are actually willing to put that time in for no gain?

Yes, I pay most of my subscription with PLEX I buy for ISK. I payed a sub for ~10 years and sometimes up to 3 with money. But do you know where those PLEX I buy from the market come from?

People like me buy them, but I really do think a sizeable proportion of those are ‘high security dwellers’.

Purely based on the fact that null-bears make so much isk.

And which server do you think CODE. will be on?

And what happens when the demand out weighs the supply. New players generally tend to spend more trying to catch up. Without that influx of near players plex supply will continue to increase in price. It will hit a point where you either pay real money for plex or run as an alpha or quit. Games need new players thats all im saying dude.

The server where they can grief other players and upset them as much as possible, clearly.

Even if they go to pve to gank it will eventually end up where they have no safe place right will also cost them a lot

Yeah, they already do that, so they wouldn’t even care. They already gain far more than they lose, due to drops.

This is an illusion. First of all you still need industry and mining on the PvP server. The current TQ is that PvP server. And that PvP creates the meaning and the market and the cycle of destruction that fuels the whole game. This would not exist on the PvE server, where you would earn ISK to no.end and produce for no one and no goal on the horizon other than more grind.

So the PvEers would come to the PvP server, because their server is boring and devoid of meaning. But because some of them are brainless fools not capable of understanding their own feelings they will start to demand nerfs to the PvP.

I have seen this happening in other games where there where PvP and PvE shards. People came to the PvP server because they wanted to grind to become that feared warrior that dunks everyone, but they where stuck in the grind and got dunked by others that where faster and better, so they started complaining. And over time PvP was nerfed so hard that it was completely useless, with so much drawbacks that no one ever played a criminal and then the server died… The end

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Then the prise goes up. We have seen this before and it actually went down again. So everything is fine it seems. And yes I will pay again for at least one account in a few months, for as long as I think this game is fun for me.

And even if there was a problem with new players. There is no reason to think making it softer would increase that. There is every reason to think that the opposite would happen.

The decision to revisit and change HS wardeccing mechanics were based on:

  1. Retention for EVE Online has never been great. A study supported by CCP showed that 50% of the people who downloaded and tried EVE, quit in the first 2 hours. Yes, you read that correctly, the first 2 HOURS. After 2 months, the retention rate was at 25%. Can you imagine owning a business where 75% of your customers failed to return? How many would remain open? Granted, EVE is not for everyone, but your hope is to retain as many customers you can so that they can grow into steady customers who spend even more money with each return visit. Now NPE and other issues were at play here ( WTF OI didn’t help), but the HS WD mechanics happened to hit the hardest for those people who survived the initial weeding out process (i.e., the 25% who made it through the toughest part). Facing a lack of social backstop outside of NPC Corporations, players were gathering together and forming their own corporations with people they may not know all that well. In a game that says “trust no one”, they still went ahead and tried not to be a faceless drone in a NPC corporation or another faceless drone in some PC mega corporation; they wanted to grow their group organically. These were the targets of many a HS wardec.

  2. The problem has been long term and when I mean long term (in its current form), you can go back and read the minutes from CSM 7 or 8 and see the frustration in some the CSM members when discussing the issue with CCP. Unfortunately, there were also plenty of CSM members who were on the other side, the " you can’t change the game/playstyle/coldness of EVE" faction we still have around today. CCP promised they were working on a solution, but eventually got side tracked in solving other issues, many times involving NS which is their main PR generator. However, this all changed when CCP got smart and…

  3. Introduced a new data collection AND retention system which allowed almost all of the data to be stored and available for research/calculations. With Into the Abyss, CCP now was able to store near 100% of all important data at a much finer scale than before. In the past, CCP was forced to dump much of the gathered data “overboard”, they didn’t have the ability to store and analyze all the information. They prioritized which data they kept at a much cruder level than today’s ability and this “cruder” ability resulted in not always having an accurate read on an issue. One example would be their claim that no one was interested in creating new HS missions/sites or re examining the game design because their crude data showed that the same rough number of people were doing the same missions after 8+ years.
    CCP has been exposed to a flood of new data over the last 4 months and it is showing that frequently…

  4. CCP has done a less than stellar job in recognizing what was actually happening in the game, design priorities and concepts, and certain business decisions. Whether it has been WoD,WiS,Dust,VR, or their recently panned Project Nova, CCP has tended to swing big and whiff on many ideas they developed. While everyone realizes that not all development ideas pan out, all these unforced errors drained dev resources and capital from CCP and EVE. This help force them to let issues remain fallow, as long as data showed it wasn’t affecting revenue adversely. The new capabilities shown in #3 above revealed how many customers they were losing through game mechanics that were considered “good enough” or worse. CCP still made money, but the population was falling (despite what certain people still atest to on these boards) due to competition and faulty game mechanics driving certain groups out of EVE; groups who had provided evidence that they were currently or could eventually, be long term customers. This revealing of new numbers (which were actually always there, but not able to be digested by either their computers and management), caused great concern with both CCP and…

  5. PA, who spent $245 million on a company. PA has been explosive in its growth and very aggressive in its monetization within the game of BDO. While they probably bought out CCP so that they could utilize the EVE universe for expansion into other markets ( see EVE Echos), they realized it would be foolish to let EVE continue to shed paying customers because management refused to bend or wiggle a bit. They pledged $200 million more of unknown incentives so that CCP would meet certain PA objectives; at least some objectives that revolve around paying customers and retention rates. Now they have the readily available and usable data at their fingertips; CCP cannot hide behind an arbitrary selection of only a small part of the information. PA sees the same data and cringes at the lost revenue. CCP had to act; 200 million were waiting to see where they would end up.

TL;dr: New data collection/retention/ and analysis reveals basic flaws in both CCP’s gameplay and development priorities, flaws that Pearl Abyss has made a $200 million incentive to correct ASAP.