The Awoken is Recruiting

The Awoken is now recruiting new and experienced Capsuleers for our nullsec corporation as proud members of The Imperium. Our requirements are as follows:

  • Be in good standing with us and our allies.
  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Have a microphone.
  • Be willing to download Discord, Mumble, and Pidgin for comms.
  • Communicate in English well enough to play EVE.

Our playerbase has a global reach, but we are most active in US evening timezones (starting at about 0100 EVE time). We have a spectrum of ratters, miners, explorers, and industrialists, but our primary focus is often PvP fleets. We require five fleets (“paps”) a month, and offer a Ship Replacement Program (SRP) for properly fitted ships lost in combat.

You can find our public Discord channel here to find out more. You can also check out our zKill here.


(Edited with most recent information as of 12 September 2024 USTZ).

Did I mention we’re an active mining and industry corp? Our space has plenty of moon mining and regular belt mining opportunities, a buyback program for ore, loot, and salvage, and an active group of industrialists to supply our local markets. If you’re at all interested in the mining and crafting side of New Eden, The Awoken is a good place to be.

Everything we do in New Eden somehow supports PvP combat, the lifeblood of EVE Online. In The Awoken, we offer a consistent stream of opportunities for player-v-player combat, competent trainers, inter-corporation cooperative missions, a ship replacement program, help with fit theory, and more. Even if–like me–PvP isn’t your favorite aspect of EVE Online, we have plenty of opportunities to make it fun, and a low participation requirement in combat fleets.

We’re still accepting new and experienced players, so come check out The Awoken and see if we’re the right fit for you!

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The summer months are slower for The Awoken than the rest of the year, but it would be a mistake to think we aren’t busy. Recruitment is ongoing, as are our fleets, mining parties, and ratting operations. As always the machine is in motion. Just in the past week I’ve been on three fleets comprised mostly of my corpmates, where we’ve had some great success–and that’s far from the only fleets we’ve had available to us. It’s a great time to jump in and learn the ropes or just kick the tires, before the tempo picks up during the cold weather months.

If you’re looking for an active corp in nullsec with options for activities across the board, The Awoken could be the place for you. Send us an application in-game to get started!

Last night, our corp followed a new fleet commander from our ranks. For a first-time fleet, it went really well. We got two or three kills in our space, and mostly avoided getting killed ourselves. Probably the biggest area we could improve on is the same I’ve found in every organization I’ve been a part of: communication.

Like many other corps in New Eden, The Awoken will give you what you put into it. If you have questions, we’re happy to answer them. If you need help, we’re glad to see what we can do. We have open comms in Mumble, a Discord server, and the in-game channels where you can reach out to us and our alliance for assistance. As I tell trainees, “There are plenty of silly questions, but the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.”

We’re always looking for new recruits who are just as invested in learning the ropes as we are in teaching them. We also appreciate those who already know what they’re doing. Either way, come check us out.

Life has gotten very busy for me personally as of late, but The Awoken is still recruiting. I definitely encourage anyone looking for a nullsec corp and plenty of PvP opportunities to check us out.

The Awoken has been growing, but we’re still looking to grow our ranks. As wartime efforts continue to defend our space and root out our enemies, we’ve been busy diversifying our fleet activities. Whether you’re a newbro looking for a place to start or a veteran looking for a place to settle, The Awoken might be what you need.

Phantom Curator Drone Seen Near Local Battle
by Von DeMoreno for Awoken News Network

A mysterious drone was reported in the vicinity of an attack on a Fortizar in the Curse region. Members of The Awoken corporation reported seeing a Curator drone that appeared to belong to an ally, but calls across comms for its ownership went unanswered. The orphaned Amarr drone took some fire from allies, but at last report was left alive.

The attack on the Fortizar belonging to Pandemic Horde was a success for The Awoken and its allies, as part of an ongoing war against the Horde. In addition to its frequent–and frequently successful–fleets in Horde space, Awoken co-director Reddice reports The Awoken engage in mining, ratting, a full range of industry, and more. “We are actively recruiting for our corp. If you think you have what it takes, send us an application,” he said in a recent interview following their victory in Curse.

You may reach out to any member of The Awoken in New Eden to inquire for more information.

The Awoken is a proud member of Get Off My Lawn

One of the hardest parts of EVE Online tends to be PvP. In most MMOs, player-vs.-player combat is optional and relatively rare. In New Eden, it’s standard operating procedure. When I started my life as a Capsuleer, I saw EVE Online as a mining simulator, and I intended to be an industrial tycoon. I’ve since learned that sort of dream is only possible because of PvP.

Most corps have what’s called a pap requirement. Ideas vary about what “pap” stands for, but it boils down to participation in specific activities, usually related to PvP. Some corps want you to have a ridiculous number of paps, but The Awoken has a very easily achievable 5-paps-a-month requirement.

Even if you can’t fly the big ships yet, we put together some very cheap and easy-to-fly tackle fits. We also have what’s called SRP–a Ship Replacement Program; it’s also a shorthand way of saying you get a chunk of ISK back for your ships that get destroyed on a fleet. Even with my experience, I can’t always fly the ships they want, like on last night’s structure bash:

:camera:: DamianWarlock

I’m down there somewhere in a Slasher, circling the structure, throwing mostly pointless ammo at the structure on the principle that every little bit counts. Sometimes PvP can be tedious, like if you’re told the fleet will be one thing but it turns into something else because of circumstances outside anyone’s control. That happens sometimes, and while the actual circling and shooting may not be a lot of fun, those are the times you connect with your friends in the alliance.

It could be our corp is the one where you’ll find a home in New Eden. If you’re 18+, can communicate in English, you have a microphone for your computer, and you’re willing to download Mumble and Discord, then you meet all the minimum requirements. Come check us out in-game, or drop by our public Discord server to say hello.


The Awoken is still actively recruiting members for its ranks. We are a nullsec corp with an emphasis on PvP fleets, ratting, mining, industry, exploration, and more. While most of our members are active around 0100 EVE in US evening timezones, we have corpmates from every continent except South America and Antarctica.

If you:

  • are 18 years old or older
  • can understand and communicate in English
  • own a microphone for your computer
  • are willing to download Discord, Mumble, and Pidgin
  • can fly 5 fleets a month
  • aren’t blacklisted by Goonfleet or its allies

We could be the corp you’ve been looking for. Feel free to drop into our (recently brand new!) public Discord channel or reach out to us in “The Awoken Pub” chat channel in-game.

The Awoken is still recruiting players of all experience to join us in LAWN alliance, but I’d also like to take an opportunity to talk about something of a sticking point for many new players.

If you’re new to EVE Online, you may have seen a cool space-themed MMO. You may have also expected PvP would be optional, but that’s not how New Eden works. The “undock” button is your consent to PvP here, even in highsec. This is not a game where you get to take your ease, mind your own business, and remain untouchable.

Territory is also important. If any corp or alliance (and by extension, coalition) wants to persist, they must hold sovereignty in a cluster of systems, establish infrastructure to gather and utilize resources, and defend their space from invaders. Because you can’t really trust anyone in New Eden, you can’t just let neutrals run uncontested in your territory, taking your resources for their own benefit and your loss.

This is why corps, alliances, and coalitions run fleets: to defend the space they hold, and acquire access to different resources. It’s also for the content and the bragging rights. Those fleets don’t work unless everyone’s pulling their weight, though, which is where paps come in. A “pap” is shorthand for “participation.” Pap links are a way of reporting a player’s participation in a fleet; there are different systems for recording paps, but the important thing is that fleet paps are often a requirement in corps.

The Awoken, for instance, currently requires 5 paps per month. We want you to fly in five “papped” fleets that meet certain criteria. Those criteria are designed to prevent you from fleeting up with a bunch of your alts by yourself, or from doing things the corp, alliance, or coalition doesn’t deem really beneficial to them. If you fleet up but then orbit each other at a safe for an hour, that doesn’t really help anyone.

You can sometimes get paps for mining, for stealing ISK from other corps in ESS robberies or Skyhook thefts, or for helping players move expensive stuff, but the most common paps are good ol’ fashioned PvP fights. You either go out and look for enemies to kill, or your fleet commander has a specific target in mind, like a structure. These fleets may not seem like they’re doing much to help defend your space, but they give you the experience and confidence to engage those targets of opportunity you do find in your space.

When I first started playing EVE, I thought of it as a mining sim, and I did’t understand how things really worked, so I balked at the pap requirements. I get why you’d think, “I pay for this game. Why are they telling me I have to play it a certain way?” It’s not something you’ll be used to if you’ve only played games like World of Warcraft, where holding territory doesn’t matter and you can toggle PvP.

PvP really needs to be something you want to do if you expect to have fun in New Eden. When I started I abhorred the idea of PvP, because I’ve never been good at it. Take a look at my zKill, and you’ll see I’m still not good at it. The difference is, now I’ve taken an interest in PvP because I understand how it helps my corp. Lately, I’ve also started to pick up things about ships and fittings that tells me what sort of targets I can and can’t engage when I see them.

In short, PvP helps your corp, maintains the health of the alliance, gives you experience that will help you improve in other aspects of the game, and provides content for the real heart of the game. You may have thought this was a mining sim with combat aspects, and it can be that if all you want to do is stay in highsec. But if you prefer to get rough and rowdy and you see mining and the other activities as something to support your PvP, then drop by The Awoken’s public Discord server and see if we’d be the right fit for you.

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The Awoken is currently recruiting Capsuleers of all experience levels to join us in our new home in Querious. Applicants must:

  • Be 18+ years old
  • Able to communicate in English
  • Have a microphone
  • Be willing to download Mumble and Discord
  • Be in good standing with The Imperium

We offer help for a wide variety of interests, with a minimum requirement of three PvP fleets each month after the end of your probationary period. Our corp offers SRP (ship replacement) for specific, sanctioned fleets as well. We are most active during USTZ evenings. If you’d like to find out more, come talk to us on our public Discord channel here.

The Awoken is still open for new recruits of all experience levels. If you’d like to find us in-game, you can search for “The Awoken Tavern,” our new recruitment channel, but you may find you have better luck getting our attention if you come to our Discord server here.

I might be interested!

Sorry I didn’t respond here earlier. With the holidays, things have been busy for me in real life, and the forums sort of fell by the wayside in our recruiting measures. Going into the new year, we’ll be picking up our recruitment drive as everyone comes back from their holiday travels, so drop us a line and we’ll see if The Awoken is the right fit for you.

From defending our space to taking the wrong gates (specifically only me taking the wrong gates, oops) and then landing with the corp to fight a 200 man fleet with our 25 man fleet, I can say its been really fun - and this thread has been very informative. I think the sheer volume of knowledge and expertise this corp holds is what really makes it shine, and most importantly - makes you feel welcomed

Although the requirements are there, they are very lenient and hope that everyone is having fun as they play. I’m glad i joined a while back and stuck around

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The Awoken is searching for new and experienced players to join us in nullsec. If you are:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Able to communicate in English
  • Are willing to undergo standard ESI checks
  • Able to use Discord, Mumble, and Pidgin
  • Equipped to use a microphone with your computer
  • Willing to fly in three “papped” fleets per month

then drop by our corp Discord or The Awoken Tavern chat channel in-game to see if we’re the right fit for you. We offer:

  • A training program with guidance on how to spend your skill points to great effect for what you want to do, not just what serves the corp
  • Regular fleets with us and our allies in and around our immediate space
  • The support of Get Off My Lawn (LAWN), backed by The Imperium
  • A network of structures with a wide array of services for almost anything you want to do
  • Opportunities for group mining, ratting, crabbing, and other activities

We are most active around 0100 EVE time, which translates to USTZ evenings. We have players from around the world, but the majority of us live in the United States and Canada.

If you join us in The Awoken Tavern in-game, we’ll end up directing you to our Discord, maybe after chatting you up a bit. Once you’re in our public Discord channel, we’ll ask you to jump into the voice channel there so we can get to know each other. Assuming that goes well, from there we can send you a corp invite. Once you join the corporation we’ll have some videos for you, to walk you through getting set up on our systems; that part takes about an hour for most folks.