Who doesn’t like beavers!?
I mean, we really do! That with mapple syrup, Timmies, bagged milk, snow, hockey and Eve Online!
For now, our show has a few sections to please different style of Eve Players
- News : Game/CCP wise and in-game wise, such as politic and else
- Subvention obligations : You’ll meet our strange sponsor there…
- Kill of the week
- Pro trick of the week
- Lore
- Ship of the week
The is live on twitch every Tuesday night at 20h15 EST on Twitch and also on youtube by the end of the week.
We currently are looking for correspondent/informan from the different fronts of the wars. Might they be in Null Sec, Factionnal warfare, Low Sec, Wormholes …
The more info we got, the less spinning we’ll do. Reddit is fun to get some of the info, but it’s not a realable source of information. Well, not alway. Still, it’s fun.
Here’s our premiere : https://youtu.be/BLwaJ0WJS1g
Please use the comment section of the video for any trick or ways we can make it better.
Sorry in Advance by the way 
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This week’s episode of the Beaver Show is now out on Youtube!
By the way, Eve Montréal 2023 tickets are now on sale. Get your hands on : INFINITE BACON!
This week’s Show :
We’re Sorry in Advance for Castor d’Amour!
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The english version of this week’s show is now available here! Please remember to like and subscribe to the YouTube channel. It really help us out
Sharing them would actually be a proof of your awesomeness 
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Valentin’s day special and Castor d’Amour breaks loose!
Suscribe and like because you’re just that awesome 
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This week’s Beaver show is now available on Youtube!
We’re talking about the News in Eve Online,
- Dame is looking for a collaborator to improve her English for a podcast project,
- Eve Montreal has already sold 1/2 of its tickets and we’re more than a month before the event,
- Ship of the week : the interceptors,
- Castor d’Amour explains how to choose the right skin to unlock new advantages!
And much more
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This week’s Bever Show (28th of February) is now available on Youtube!
- Is Test back?
- Dark Shine for CSM 18!
- Caldari and Amarr drama
- Frat is the next big target?
- Intaki is HS now? Why?
- Captain’s Cup!
- New AI bot on CCP’s discord
Kill of the Week : Parabellum’s Eviction
Castor d’Amour explains how to make maple syrup…
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This week’s show !
Only a few weeks left to get your tickets 
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Here’s this week’s Beaver Show, with Jixx Javis as our guess in the dam!
Lots of privilege information on the FF4A9!
New Patch!
War in the North!
Direct enlistment finally arrived!
Finally, you got until this Sunday 19th of march to get your tickets for Eve Montréal!
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In this weeks’s Beaver Show 
War in the North and CCP new game
LAST CALL Eve Montréal 2023 : 25th of March 2023
Billets : Eve Montréal 2023 Tickets, Sat, 25 Mar 2023 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite
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We are now Bacon and maple sirup full!
Eve Montréal’s Sugar Shack was a success and we talk about some inside that we got.
News-wise, there is an interview of The Oz with CCP Ratati that catch our attention; there’s pew pew in the North; Drama with Darwin? And much more!
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Beaver Show : 4th of april 2023 / 2T isk Heist : We spoke with Horde / WH Townhall review / and more
Hey Beavers!
This week we spoke to those on the other side of the 2T isk Heist that happend last week. Also, we meet with Mark Resurectus #1 fan!
Only on :
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This week show is now live!
-New expansion!
-Skin give away
-Alliance Tournament
-PH spy goes boom
-PH and Init paying people to get in fleet
-FW drama
-Faction Fortizar with NPC rigg goes down
-Frontline report
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This week’s Beaver Show! The best Dam show in town!
In this week’s show
- Happy 20th anniversary Eve Online
- Where’s my Killmail Hillmar?
- Sorry Init
- Skin give away
- Ship caster done for one Empire!
- 1 guy loose 2 Titans!?
- I’ll take my SRP in Fortizar please!
- In-game Billboard
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This week’s Beaver Show! The best Dam show in town!
In this week’s show
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The Sorry in Advance Youtube channel is now 100% in english! Meaning that you’ll enjoy more content pretty soon!
(we’re also creating a french only channel
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Hey the best Dam show in town is back this week in the revamped channel 
We speak about :
Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel now that you won’t be bothered by French content 
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Hey there!
Indeed we got this week’s show, put more important : how to win 500 plex with a colouring contest!
To show CCP that we know how to colour our stuff and get more tools like that one in the future : Show what you can do! Also, we encourage children to take the colouring journey too and submit their art
So print it, colour it and upload it!
You got until June 19th 23h59 EST to upload your colouring on the link below.
Colouring: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
then upload them here : https://forms.gle/Sr6g2TwJjLaqLjhQ9
- To celebrate Dame’s Birthday we got a section on : Women in gaming!
- We also talking about :
- CCP Documentary
- New CCP song
- Colour your structure
- Collector edition 20th edition?
- WH battle
- Outfox moving
- Toilet paper getting back together
- Caldari getting ready… FPS time?
- Minmatar getting POS like structure out
And more!