The Completion of the Reclaiming

@Arrendis The events of persecution that Vykiomi describe happened when humanity was still bound to the old world. This was before the establishment of the Amarr Empire, so at least 15,000 years ago.

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Thereā€™ll always be hardliners and aggressive jingoists in pretty much every society, Deitra. The influence of such people, and the relative power of peacemakers, comes and goes. I try not to hold you responsible for the Mizharas of the world. After all, itā€™s not like you could probably fix her if you tried. I try not to do that even when there seem to be a lot of her-- when the factional echo chamber gets going and all anybody can seem to express is some variant of scathing contempt for my adopted home.

In the end, sheā€™s one noisy person screaming and sneering. Sometimes she shoots something. But I donā€™t confuse you and her.

Are you really going to take a few noisy people on the IGS as representative of the Empire as a whole?

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Youā€™re talking in a thread that blatantly demonstrate why the Empire canā€™t be assumed to aim for anything but the subjugation of all of New Eden, and youā€™re trying to turn it around as if weā€™re being aggressors? You canā€™t possibly be this delusional, so I have to assume youā€™re just being dishonest.

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Assume what you like, Mizhara; I donā€™t respect you even a little, so I really donā€™t care what you assume.


I know, I know. People calling you on your bullcrap? Canā€™t have that.

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Hee! Actually Iā€™ll listen to nearly anybody. Youā€™re a special case.

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I know, people donā€™t call you on your bullcrap anywhere near often enough.

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Ha! Blow cloud, blow dust. Noisy wind, I donā€™t hear you!

(Iā€™m sure someone interesting has something to say?)

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Discussing this even with the moderates and reformists ā€¦ damn, what, almost a year agoā€¦? Still agree that the Empireā€™s Divine Purposeā„¢ is to subjugate each and every culture that is not theirs, and that this is non-negotiable. They say that it can be done peacefully over a long period of time or by force and swiftly.
Thereā€™s no two ways about it - your beloved Empire will not stop Reclaiming, and as such, it is not compliant with the rest of the galaxy.

Still, problem remains that even if we kill each and every single Amarrian that does not renounce their faith, it will pop up again from somewhere, sometime. Ideologies are most dangerous after theyā€™ve been let loose.

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In the end the Mizharas and the slavery hounds the Amarr can muster are actually necessary. Who else to defend our people than those blind to everything else? Itā€™s a strength for what they do.

Am I going to take them as an accurate representation of the Amarr as a whole? No, I simply wish there was a little less xenophobia a year after the events of the coordination.

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While you have my thanks, Lord Lokā€™ri, I feel the credit for my religious education and present beliefs should go to Magister Verrach an-Ardishapur of the Theology Council. For I only listened to the Word and wisdom he so generously provided.


Your humility does you service.

Blind? Iā€™ve been speaking with these people for almost twice as long as youā€™ve been a capsuleer, Deitra. Iā€™ve spoken to every kind of them, from their hardliners through their most liberal of people. There is only one single unifying feature across all Amarr people: The Rite. It is the core of their society, it is the core of their very identity, and at the core of the Rite is the Reclaiming.

The friendliest, nicest, most naive of giddy little happy friend times nitwits among them adhere staunchly to the Reclaiming. Itā€™s an irrevocable, irrefutable, unchanging and impossible to extract core of Amarr identity and society.

It doesnā€™t matter how much you talk. It doesnā€™t matter who you talk to. It doesnā€™t matter whether you shoot or whether you jabber or whether you ignore them. The core of Amarr society, without which they would lose their very identities and trigger the fight or flight reflexes of existential threats, say in the most innocent and harmless possible interpretation: All of humanity must be united under Amarr.

This is the least horrifying interpretation of Amarr society. This is inescapable fact. All of humanity, is to be united under Amarr, according to their most universal, most tightly held beliefs. This can not be argued. It can not be debated. It can not be interpreted any other way but worse. It canā€™t be escaped, ignored, twisted or turned away. Itā€™s the one axiom of their society that will never cease, as long as something called ā€˜Amarrā€™ exists. Taking the Reclaiming out of the Amarr would be taking the Amarr out of them.

This means, to put it in the simplest of terms: The Amarr Empire, at the most friendly, liberal, healthiest and nicest interpretation possible, is an existential threat to all other cultures, beliefs and societies.

We donā€™t live in that friendliest, most liberal, healthiest and nicest universe. In the one we live in, theyā€™re a damn sight worse.

So tell me Deitraā€¦ how exactly are we being ā€˜blindā€™ to them at this point?


How exactly are you being blind to them? You arent. How are you being blind to the individual? Simple. You can see an Amarr and paint them with the same stereotypical brush. Something, as a combat pilot, I fail to do quite frequently. Itā€™s a strength in the role of defending our people to not have your metaphorical eyes led astray that you and others who follow similar mantra have. Something people like myself struggle with. I donā€™t feel needlessly killing someone due to their blood is something I can constantly do.

You with your double the amount of time doing so as I have, honestly since before I was even in the RMS nevermind in a capsule, are adept at Actually. Defending. Our. People. I on the other hand look to use my genuine desire to know why I really am killing and whether it truely will help our people. Itā€™s a liability more than a strength. I still would prefer to have our descendants not know war, only I donā€™t see eradication as the final solution to it. Why do you think Iā€™m more than happy doing mercenary work? Itā€™s a weakness that if I wish to get past I need to break. So kill without thought for money it is.

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Then why did the Amarr coexist on Athra with ā€˜the heathensā€™ for so long before they began the Reclaiming? Were they refusing their Divine Mandate, and so turning their backs on God?


Also, @Gaven_Lok_ri @Vykiomi_Kezak-Akarin - in the Book of Gheriok (is that the right spelling?) What sort of technology level is described, how long did Gheriok carry on his prophet-ing, and how many nations of the world was he able to visit?


The Destiny of Faith had not been communicated to us yet.

So @Vykiomi_Kezak-Akarin is then insisting that a state of war has existed since before leaving ā€˜the old worldā€™. Meanwhile, during that whole process people were (apparently) getting along just fine and not actively being violent toward one anotherā€”because presumably, if there were violent clashes during the early terraforming of a planet, the much smaller initial population would have homogenized in one direction or the other.

This does not sound like a state of war existed at that time between the heathen and the faithful, which would seem to undercut the claim that Gheriokā€™s troubles were the opening salvos of a ā€˜warā€™ that persists even now, and in which the Reclaiming is a defensive action.


ā€¦ Vess, I married one of them, have schtupped more and have close friends among the Amarr. I am not ā€˜painting them all with the same stereotypical brushā€™, Iā€™m just explaining to you why they are a threat to the rest of the cultures and people of New Eden. If you think Iā€™m killing them ā€˜due to their bloodā€™ you have an incredibly warped view of us. And them, at that.

Iā€™m just asking you not to attribute what I and other do or see as something like ā€˜blindnessā€™. We see quite nicely.


I think blind wasnā€™t the best ways of describing what I meant. Hardened maybe? Either way I view it as a strength to not get caught up in reasoning out motives when it comes to our Republicā€™s defense, a strength I lack and a good one to have at that. I guess one should consider it inexperience or not enough branches to the face on the path I walk.

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