The council of the Intellectuals

Read the text this being wrote after the quote you mentioned. If 2 opinions can’t co-exist, they can however find a compromise at least in this thread. The objective of a peaceful discussion is not trying to convert someone to another ideals but exposing a statement about why according to someone, his ideal is better than the other and why not. After everyone exposed their thesis and anti-thesis, every involved person will finish the experience remembering to have learnt something new, even if useless or against his thoughts. That’s what they also call “a cultural exchange”.
Remember, however, that the guy who is agree also with absurd theories and ideologies that promote the self-extinction of the humanity can consider the latter a good thing and the other ones bad things. They can call it a crazy man, a stupid man but it’s his opinion at last, one of infinite ones existing. That’s the proof that nobody can say that his thought can be the perfect one amongst all because the world is very various and different in every angle of the earth.