Fascinating math, really. Thank you.
The thing is - the slave populations do not exist in an informational vacuum. Small bits of information trickle in, small bits trickle out. When the Amarr glassed Starkmanir Prime, and were presumed to also wipe out the Starkmanir, it is now widely considered the ignition catalyst to the Rebellion that happened 250 years later. Generations later. Similarly, then, their rescue in the Elder War, surely has traveled by word of mouth, covert operations and hidden communication devices - throughout the Empire.
One could certainly argue, that their hope - and knowledge, that there are free Minmatar out there trying to rescue them, has bolstered their resolve to keep fighting. I do not think that painting the doom and gloom around that they are breaking by the thousands, every day, is beneficial to anyone - least of all those still enslaved.
I’ve been accused of being an idealist myself, so maybe I’m just too much of an optimist and you are right. Finding the truth is difficult. But I’ll believe in the Elders, and I’ll believe in the resolve of our kin.