The events in Colelie, and why do the Feds sometimes seem patronizing

Remember that time Andreus Ixiris went to one of Silas Vitalia’s parties, and the Blood Raider agent Asias Urazmie tricked him into a walk-in wardrobe and locked the door after he’d offered assistance to the Covenant against the Amarr Empire ?
And that poor Andreus was so embarrassed by this incident he appealed to CONCORD and got a certificate from Aux Aliette to state that the whole incident “never happened” ?

Good times.


@GoGo_Yubari: Wow, hello, long time. LaFond tells to tell you to go rejoin MC.

That important business handled: why we care is because we are Sebiestor and that means we are not just ourselves, but we are the kin. Ground-bound or flying, it’s still blood and spirit.

And that blood and spirit bounds us to the Republic, like it or not.


No one is saying it was. I said, that from the point of view of “who has jurisdiction” there was definitely a case. Even I did not say that that point of view was the only one on the field or that it justified the methods or the attack in general.


Then why, years after the attack, are we having this thread? If, as you’ve said, the question of legal jurisdiction for who had the legal and moral authority to prosecute the murderer wasn’t a justification for an almost catastrophic breakdown of diplomatic relations between our respective nations, why are we at this late hour debating whether - purely theoretically - the Republic had a right to prosecute?

As it turned out, the Federation conducted one of the most speedy trials in the history of jurisprudence - which, incidentally, still deeply concerns me - found him guilty, and as part of the sentence, sent him to you to prosecute in your own courts. Now I can’t know for sure if this decision was made partially due to urging from the Federation’s diplomatic corps (which, again, is a matter that concerns me, because it violates the principle of separation of powers) because of the Colelie incident, and wouldn’t have happened otherwise, but imagine if it had - if you had perhaps waited a few weeks, you might’ve gotten what you wanted and not had to kill thousands of my countrymen.

If you detect a tinge of resentment to my words, it’s because ultimately, I do understand that the Federation aren’t perfect allies, nor a perfect government, nor a perfect society, but ultimately, we’re the punching bag of everyone in the IGS when actually, at least we were trying. Had Karin Midular been murdered in the Caldari State - especially at the time, with Heth still in charge - any demand for justice that the State didn’t mete out itself would most likely have been met with an instruction to suck it. Had she been murdered in the Amarr Empire - although why she might have been there is anyone’s guess - it’s unlikely the murderer would even have been prosecuted for anything worse than breaking local noise regulations with his firearm. Had your military forces invaded either of them, you almost certainly would now be in a military situation vastly more serious than the current meaningless pendulum wars.

Ultimately, we didn’t do things the way you wanted, you brought sledgehammers into our house without our consent, broke a bunch of our stuff and we still ended up giving you almost all of what you wanted anyway, and now you accuse us of being condescending when we did it. And the thing is, you’re not even wrong - I know that we can be damn condescending sometimes, and that’s a fault of ours. Federals don’t always take the time and effort to achieve more than a shallow, surface-level understanding of foreign cultures and beliefs. But for hell’s sake, at least we’re trying.


Are you actually arguing that one’s standards for one’s allies should be the same as those for one’s enemies?

Because that makes very little sense to me.

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We’re having this thread because if you’ll direct your attention to this other thread, you’ll see that there was a fair amount of Gallente patronizing and generally condescending fedo feces in there, and a fair amount of Matari resentment for same. When called on your crap, your countrymen expressed shock and outrage that treating people like brain-damaged toddlers might be considered offensive.

So this thread got created, with this incident as an example, in order to explain.

If you don’t like the example that was selected, that’s fine, but the fact that you continue trying to Galsplain to us why it was wrong to do something that we said was wrong to do does seem to indicate that you’re missing the gorram point.


You know, I was about to write a genuine response to you, but then I realised that the moment I accept moral advice from a goon is the moment I put a bullet in my goddamn skull. There’s a lot of people in the world who have a perfectly legitimate right to judge me and my nation, and there’s lot of people in the world who have a perfectly legitimate right to speak on behalf of the Minmatar.

You aren’t and will never be one of either.


Yes, yes, play the ‘goon’ card. How very clever and original. It keeps you from having to face the idea that I wasn’t offering you moral advice, you Galsplaining prick, I was suggesting that maybe you should work on your bloody reading comprehension skills, because you don’t seem to understand what two damned sentences strung together mean.

There’s a lot of crap you can hang on us, after all, but as we continue to keep the largest capsuleer organization in history running smoothly and firing on all cylinders, illiteracy ain’t one of them.


Is it really that hard to offer a clarification without having to type a huge paragraph or is it always a contest?


He’s right, though. The rather sad fact of it is, you’re a Goon first and foremost, and that’s rather incompatible with pretty much… anything else.


Without naming names I have a suspicion that some people on the IGS are being paid by the word.


Well, Charles, you know the rationale for the ‘justification’ may be s***, but you can still beat them with grammar.

Nope. Sometimes, I just don’t wanna. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, but let’s face it, Miz, you feel the same way about being a Blooder, an Angel, AmarrMil, GalMil, CalMil, and literally every other group unless you’ve been a part of them.

Or are you still a Serpentis first and foremost?


What makes you think I ever was Serpentis? I was Coreli, and Coreli knew who and what I was, and what I was doing there when I went in, as did everyone else. Are you really trying to equivocate that with your rather… zealous and wholehearted support of your sociopath leader, and the pack of scum he surrounds himself with?

You’ve made it abundantly clear that you are first and foremost a Goon. You’ve said as much. It’s your primary priority and an integral part of who you are.


Just like every other Serpentis.

I’ve also never denied being a Goon. Just where my job fits into my sense of self and identity, though… that’s something you’ve never bothered listening to, so I’m not gonna waste time on it with you now.


I listened. I just didn’t condone.


Clearly not. But that’s ok. You do you.


There is a fundamental notice that needs to be made regarding these sorts of things. Capsuleers embody freedom (heh heh) of choice and, ultimately, are able to select where and what they choose to do. This means that any gainful employment they partake in is, therein, their choice.

You have chosen to be a Goon. However intimate you make that choice fit into your personal life, there is still the understanding that you made that choice. People are not remiss to judge you for that, just as they aren’t remiss to judge how Goonswarm sets aside time in the year to terrorize trading hubs and kill hundreds upon thousands of crewmen as a result in the name of fun.

For all the time you spend with your nose in the air, you spend a lot of time hunched over and huffing around – with goalposts on your back.


Nor have I said they are. So you go ahead and keep brushing up on the reading comprehension skills. I’m sure if you work at it, you’ll figure out just what I was objecting to in Miz’s statements in… I dunno, fifty or sixty years.

(Or is three (now four) sentences too long a paragraph for you?)

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