Interesting news today with President Roden apparently attending peace talks in the Genesis region, presumably regarding the CEMWPA loop-holes. What becomes of these peace talks will likely decide the speaking points for candidate platforms in regards to international affairs. However, as I have previously discussed in this thread, the safest bet is probably for a candidate to not make this the basis of their platforms as they will likely risk support from voter blocs.
Right out of the gate, Senator Ontbad, without yet announcing candidacy, may have already fallen into the trap of involvement in the Amarr/Minmatar warzone crisis. This denouncement (while certainly welcomed by many Gallente citizens purely on the basis of Federation perspectives) is likely going to prove more baneful than beneficial for Ontbad, however. In his denouncement of the Sarum Invasion he likely risks support from the Doves, who might see this as a sign that Ontbad would want to press for military involvement. It isn’t a far stretch of logic either considering Ontbad’s Vherokior upbringings.
While on the subject of the Doves - of which many Intaki are - where was Ontbad during the Intaki Prime crisis when Lai Dai committed to their own exploitation of CEMWPA loopholes? Why does Ontbad now speak out against the Floseswin invasion but not on other CEMWPA exploits? These are the questions that will surely be asked by potential voters who are wary of Ontbad having specialized interests rather than Federation interests.
It is possible for Ontbad to recover from this if he focuses his platform on the violation of warzone treatises. It would surely be a boon from the support of many Magpies for obvious reasons, and if he words his platform just the right way, he may even win the support of some Vultures seeking to profit off of the affair.
That is, of course, if Ontbad even announces his candidacy. Otherwise, his perspectives are as important as any other senator who is denouncing the Floseswin crisis.
Of peculiar note is candidate Soter, who’s platform consists almost exclusively of undermining his opponents and bringing his own name to greater light. It’s a decent tactic and if he continues on that path he might win over some Ostriches, but his platform is embridled with a double-standard and perhaps some hypocrisy. If one but asks the same questions he asks of his competitors: Where has Julianus Soter been these past five years? A quick search of his communication here on the IGS shows that he’s spent the majority of recent time mocking Arataka Research Consortium (of which I myself was subject to when I was with them) and… not much else. In fact, a quick search of his combat record shows that he spends the majority of his time in Black Rise, Pure Blind, and Cloud Ring. How well can Julianus Soter lead billions of Federation citizens from his throne in null-sec?
Ask the same questions of Soter as is asked of Ontbad, and one might notice that Soter was mysteriously missing from the Intaki Prime crisis while the men and women of the FDU fought for its resolution. Though of course the recent light shined on the pacification of Caldari citizens in Iralaja - of which he may have been involved in - certainly does not do him or his supporters in the FDU much justice.
Not to sound as though a hypocrite, given my praise of Villore Accords earlier in this thread, I remain appreciative of GMVA’s efforts… where there is actually effort. To which, I would suggest Rinai Vero a better candidate, whose work speaks for itself.