The Like and Get Likes thread III

Better on 3 wheels, not wills.


Hmmm… I think the safety wire failed, he should have been left hanging from it without hitting the ground…

Also, today I watched some character customization videos for Cyberpunk 2077 and noticed a horrible truth: neither height nor body size are customizable. This could be a deal breaker for me; I think I understand why, since high quality animations and customizable body size don’t mix well, but I really REALLY like the option to create characters of different height. A game where I can’t create a local version of my girls isn’t all that interesting to me. Now, GTA Online is not customizable neither, but well… It’s GTAO.

And now I’m off to bed, so I say: nighties lovelies!

Also: don’t you hate it too?

I swear to god, anyone else randomly throws a fridge at me when I walk outside, and it will be WAR! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Classic Sc-Fi.

Got to love it.


Cyberpunk is a buggy mess actually, game is full of bugs and even the saves become corrupted. CDPR employees want to sue the company for lying to the players. :laughing:

Obviously the game needs more patches than marketing campaign funds.


Timezone lovelies. :heart:


The safety wired worked, but, he should have had a better harness.
It could also have worked better.

Ah yes, he’s using the wrong device.
There is supposed to be a system to prevent this.
It was also miscalculated.

6 hours later:

Key Takeaways. Fungibility is the ability of a good or asset to be interchanged for another good or asset of like kind. Like goods and assets that are not interchangeable, such as owned cars and houses, are non-fungible. ~Aug 11, 2019


Ambassador Delenn: “Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari Fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else!”

Babylon 5 was an amazing show, with a good cast of interesting characters and including badass women before wokeness was even a thing.

Cyberpunk is a buggy mess actually, game is full of bugs and even the saves become corrupted. CDPR employees want to sue the company for lying to the players

Ouch! For what it looks like, apparntly the executives of CDPR just invented a new verb… “to cyberpunk” as in “those times you f**k up your game so bad that even employees want to sue you”.

I can understand how they where in a bad spot as this year is the last Xmas PS4 and Xbox One will be relevant products, but the game was in no way ready for these aged media. Bugs can be squished and performance might be optimized, but CDPR’s reputation has taken a serious hit.

Lucky for me, I didn’t had any hype on the game.

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: how to English like Einstein!

…because you never know when this might be useful!


Actually I read some more and I see now its two different stories, workers were mad, but the sueing was about investors losing money, because apparently the company lied. So my mistake for merging both. :woman_facepalming:

But maybe some workers invested too. Which would be pretty hilarious. Them buying early and cheaply, and selling just before release.


Good morning, lovelies. :heart:


Rod Serling Was Prophetic With This Warning

1,227,914 views • Jun 22, 2017
1.2M views - 3 years ago
2.97K subscribers

“The Obsolete Man” …

You might think this episode is futuristic. It is actually constructed from history, warning us that our future may be doomed to look like this if we fail to learn from history. I can see the latency of its arrival. Serling’s words here are incredibly prophetic and wise.

15 hours later at 19:56, Thu Dec 24, 2020:

The Lost Film before “The Empire Strikes Back”

364,408 views • Nov 29, 2020
366K views - 3 weeks ago
That Junkman
17K subscribers

Celebrating 40 Years of Empire: The Legacy

213,468 views • Dec 17, 2020
213K views - 1 week ago
Star Wars
3.5M subscribers


Time to go to bed in Christmas’ eve. Good night everyone and see you back tomorrow!

Also: the first and only real YT video with the world’s strongest acid: HSbF6 (Fluoroantimonic acid)

Many videos talk about it but this is the first time someone actually buys it and tests it for YouTube. It’s quite scary…


How Bad Was The Great Oxidation Event?

79,722 views • Dec 20, 2020
79K views - 4 days ago
History of the Earth
60.1K subscribers


He did make it. :blue_car: :dash: :wind_face:



172,414 views • Dec 19, 2020
172K views - 6 days ago
Venture City
127K subscribers

At 04:05: -2025
Solar System Networks makes sense, 
as there are already some which need upgrades.

...Jupiter rover(s) make no sense as the moons of Jupiter 
can be explored, but Jupiter itself is a gas planet.

Facilities on Mars begin printing 3D habitat which 
can also be used by robots to protect themselves.
They can also recharge batteries and repair there.
They can also repair those habitat.

At 5:53: -2027
The first Artificial Intelligence sentences
a criminal to jail.

Jail is not prison, 
and sentencing is not convicting.

indicting is convicting not sentencing.

At 6:18:
[“Smart” tattoos are
used with embedded
personalized circuits that allow people
to control the devices around them.]

The term "Smart" taken out of context is not what 
ethics related to AI is about.

It is used as a marketing scheme to justify sales, 
while omitting needs of people and 
improvement of security and ethics.

It's designed to divert and 
used as a diversion.

while this sounds feasible, 
it omits security matters, 
and ethics related to mutilation of those tattoos
to control devices without authorization, 
such as from hi-jacking.

For instance, 
someone working at the Pentagon had one eye 
taken out, to use his retina scan externally, 
to gain access to a drone control system.

one of his leg was amputated, 
to use the chip inside, 
to control the device around them.

At 8:06: -2031
The Starshot Alpha Centauri program
founded by Yuri Milner,
Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg
A thousand
tiny spacecrafts that are equipped with
light sails and are powered by lasers on
get sent into space. _They reach 20
percent of the speed of light.
The tiny spacecrafts are on a mission to
fly by and gather data from Proxima
Centauri B,
an exoplanet that is in a human
habitable zone of the star

Even if another solar system gets more near than the 
Centauri system(s), later, 
we can make it there before 1.3 million years from now.
In fact, 
in around 42.2 years at 10% of the speed of light.
422 years at 1% of the speed of light.
4,220 years at 0.1% of the speed of light.
And 42,200 years at 0.1% of the speed of light.
Even 422,000 years at 0.01% of the speed of light.
844,000 years at 0.005% of the speed of light.
1,266,000 years at 0.0025% of the speed of light.

…In 1.3 million years…
Gliese 710 will drop in
on our solar system for
a brief visit around
that time.
Gliese 710 is about 60
percent as massive as
the sun. Our new neighbor won’t get too close. Rather, it’ll linger in the
Oort cloud, the icy dust and debris at the outer edges of the solar system.
That’ll put it 90 light days, or 1.4 trillion miles, away from us, 16,000
times farther from Earth than the sun. But that’s close enough to have an
impact. At that time, Gliese 710 will shine three times brighter than Mars.

Examples: the average distance of the moon from earth is 384400 kilometers. The light takes just under 1.3 seconds to get there.

Speed of Light : Calculate distance or time.

Speed of light calculator for the distance per time or time per distance.

distance = speed of light * time
s = c * t
Speed of Light: 299792458 meters per second, m/s
299792458 x 0.0025% = 3,997.232,77
299792458 x 1% = divided by 100 = 2,997,924.58
299792458 x 0.1% = divided by 1,000 = 299,792.458
299792458 x 0.01% = divided by 10,000 = 29,979.2458
299,792,458 x 0.005% = divided by 50,000 = (half of 100,000 at 0.001%) = 5,995.849,16
299,792,458 x 0.0025% = divided by 75,000 = (half of 50,000 + 50,000 = 75,000) = 3,997.232,77
Speed of Light: 299792458 meters per second, m/s = km/s 299,792.458

Those are average speed calculation not taking into accounts other related details.

Pioneer 10/Speed on orbit

12.04 km/s

3,997.232,77 meters per seconds = 3.997,232,77 km/s.
= 3.01 times slower than the speed of Pioneer 10, of the required speed to reach there at that rate.
In 1,266,000 years…

At double of that speed, half of that time, so,
633,000 years = 1.506,041,89 times slower than the speed of Pioneer 10, of the required speed to reach there at that rate.

0.663,992,154,485,05 of the 1.506,041,89 rate, of the Pioneer 10 speed,
= 420,307.033+ years.

Enough time to go there and back, and go back there once again.

(Except if you waste or use another 420,000 years arguing about robots not being there, and that we can’t control robots, and so, therefore, have to have our work diverted and the intellectual property of the creator waivered to the other party doing the thing.
By the way, this cannot be done in 1 generation, and, if they are too immature to be starting to include generation into their works, they might as well not read or use the books starting with Genesis as part of their work, since it will not meet the ethical requirements due to that, even if they have to be in it themselves, even if they tried not to be.)

25 Nov 19 is also after 2003, 10 years after command.

Edit at 22:08 3 hours later, 16 minutes after the last update:
There is an error above in:

4,220 years at 0.1% of the speed of light.
And 42,200 years at 0.1% of the speed of light.

both of those numbers years being 10 times different from one another , and,
the rate of the speed of light, being the same, in error.
The second and subsequent ratios are 10 times different.

4,220 years at 0.1% of the speed of light.
And 42,200 years at 0.01% of the speed of light.
Even 422,000 years at 0.001% of the speed of light.
844,000 years at 0.000,5% of the speed of light.
1,266,000 years at 0.000,25% of the speed of light.

the subsequent calculations, or, pre-calculation,
since they have to be corrected accordingly,
are also 10 times different.

299792458 x 0.01% = divided by 10,000 = 29,979.2458
299,792,458 x 0.005% = divided by 50,000 = (half of 100,000 at 0.001%) = 5,995.849,16
299,792,458 x 0.0025% = divided by 75,000 = (half of 50,000 + 50,000 = 75,000) = 3,997.232,77
Speed of Light: 299792458 meters per second, m/s = km/s 299,792.458


299792458 x 0.01% = divided by 10,000 = 29,979.2458
299792458 x 0.001% = divided by 100,000 = 2,997.924,58
299,792,458 x 0.000,5% = divided by 500,000 = (half of 1,000,000 at 0.000,1%) = 1,498.962,29
299,792,458 x 0.000,25% = divided by 750,000 = (half of 500,000 + 500,000 = 750,000) = 749.481,145
Speed of Light: 299792458 meters per second, m/s = km/s 299,792.458

Pioneer 10/Speed on orbit

12.04 km/s

749.481,145 m/s = 0.749 km/s = 16.074 faster than minimum speed.

16.074 faster, is 5.34 times more than the 3.01 rate above.
So, the times and speed are 5.34 amplified in magnitude,
and , 5.34 times easier to do than first calculated in error.

420,307 years divided by 5.34 = 78,709.176 years at the
Pioneer 10 rate.
By the way, Pioneer 10 is not the fastest, it’s just a reference.
It means we can reach there faster, the only problem being,
not the speed, but the systems used.
In other words, what can work 78,000 years, when we’re only doing this for less than 200 years which 200 years is 39,354 times less time than that is (or than it is) to get there at that speed.

At 22:41, 4 minutes after the last update:
“voyager speed”
about 17 kilometers per second

Voyager 1 is traveling faster, at a speed of about 17 kilometers per second (38,000 mph), compared to Voyager 2’s velocity of 15 kilometers per second (35,000 mph). ~Dec 13, 2010

At 09:22:
…and neural brain chips allow people to
talk to each other telepathically.

While this sounds similar, 
to use physical system to communicate is not telepathy.

That would also cause problems for marriage and 
moral issues.

Lots of moral issues and problems.
Maybe , try to learn better on their own than go to school if you can’t learn from there…

2 hours later:

At 13:16: -2100
NASA’s Alcubierre Warp Drive goes live.
In the Vacuum of Space, nothing can move faster
than the speed of light.

Outside of it either, but it is affected by it, 
as the "vacuum" which is not a "vacuum" by the way, 
is affected by it as well as the medium 
the light is in and related with and how.

The speed of light is not broken, 
even if the calculation of relative speeds 
are more accurate and 
integrating other related systems with it.

Making Money in a Futuristic World (Jobs and Future Business Ideas)

21,173 views • Dec 12, 2020
21K views - 1 week ago

AI should not take jobs, and omit the market that those jobs 
are paying into, by trying to sell a false sense of productivity, 
into a market where the input 
from those working there are paying into.

That is not a fallacy, but, an error.

Yes, automation is good, and yes, 
controls surrounding how it is to be used has to be increased.

It doesn't have to be increased to be better by itself, but, 
the social factors surrounding it have to be improved, 
in the sense that the people who used to work there need 
new work, whether it is to case of those systems of automated 
work, or, other systems related to other people's work, 
such as training and educating them.

Those who work in other work will become more worthy 
of education due to improvement done socially and into 
the society.

It is not because social science is not scientific, 
it is because social science is more complex.

Astronomy is more complex than social science.

*7 minutes later:*
No kidding, there needs to be more planning for Mars.
So is it for the moon.

It's not so much for urban planning than for what to 
and how to organize automation better, 
and how to improve remote work better.

*9 minutes later:*
Ethics have to be improved.

Capitalism doesn't have to be as bad as it's made out to be.
That's just bad capitalism intended to hide bad things, 
rather than behave ethically.

*13 minutes later:*
A lot of those systems are more based at circumventing security 
measures than to actually solve problems.
It fails to integrate facts and misrepresent reality 
based on goals which are inexact and omits facts.

While, many of the factors related to those goals are good, 
many of the goals omits factors integral and causing them.

It can definitely be revolting or worse.

Nobody should be sad on Christmas…
Merry Christmas!


The Decline of IBM

559,393 views • Mar 10, 2020
560K views - 9 months ago
The Market is Open
96.5K subscribers

1 minute later:
Even if other systems surpassed the inter-stellar system ,
it would still be helping them to do so.

So, it is still better to send one that works, without leaving too much junk in the way, which would take other systems to clear the junk.

Unless, of course, the junk can be used to power the systems to go there.


That’s one fox who loves his scratches… wonder if they’re related to the domestication experiment carried out by a Russian scientific team, they will sell less-than-wild foxes to finance their research and keep it running.

Time to go to bed, today it’s been a fine day with some delicious foodies but also t’s been long… nighties lovelies!

Also: bookmark this graph and keep track of it…

Some vaccines require 2 doses 21 days appart so we don’t now exactyl how many people is effectively vaccinated yet, but as these numbers grow, we (hopefully) will enter a new stage in our struggle with SARS-CoV-2. :woman_teacher:t2:


More importantly, its gravity could shoot comets and frozen planet into our solar system, putting them on a potential collision course with Earth.

Using this data, we now know that out of 300,000 trajectories, 16 will travel within 37 trillion miles around the sun, close enough to have an impact on our solar system.

A mere 70,000 years ago, a time when early humans already were roaming the Earth, a dwarf star dropped in on the Oort cloud. Some scientists speculate that these celestial visitors could even be to blame for mass extinction events like the one that killed the dinosaurs. But thanks to Gaia, we will have plenty of time to prepare for this eventuality.

If our sun has celestial bodies in orbit in the Oort cloud, 
it makes no sense that a star going there, 
Gliese 710 about 60 percent as massive as the sun, 
won't have 60 times more effect on the sun, 
and bring celestial bodies 60 times more far 
away than our sun.

Strange things happen to animals that are kept in kind of prison with human, usually from the very early days since born. The mind is playing tricks on them. Adding of course that the only source of scratches and food is human.

But these animals still arent very nice companions. They can be domesticated, but not socialized into human society. Can still bite and even maim their owners friends, like with chimps, they are just too uninteligent to realize some things humans do.