The Noh Federation Presidential Platform

Priority Two: Allow Intaki To Reclaim Their Own Sovereignty

No one likes a hypocrite. Were I to reclaim Federation sovereignty from CONCORD’s unelected bureaucrats, only to turn around and refuse the Intaki the right to pursue their own sovereignty, I would be a hypocrite - and that just won’t do.

Consequently, my administration shall grant every eligible voter registered to vote in a system within the boundaries of Intaki space (including voters living outside said boundaries but registered to vote therein) a vote, Leave or Remain, to determine if the system of their registration Leaves the Federation, or Remains within it.

My administration shall take no official position on the outcome of this vote.

All systems which vote Remain shall, over time, be incorporated into my AbsoluteSafety™ Drone Dome Shopping District (ASDDSD), discussed in Part I (Reclaim Federal Sovereignty).

All systems which vote Leave shall become fully sovereign. Although systems Leaving the Federation will naturally be required to negotiate new trade agreements, transitory measures will be put into place to prevent humanitarian catastrophes.

In addition to trade, systems Leaving the Federation will find it necessary to negotiate new security arrangements with their neighbors. My administration pledges not to interfere in negotiations between Leave systems and third parties, such as Amarr, the State, the Tribal Assembly, edging criminal organizations, invasive quasi-cybernetic hive minds, precursive invasive quasi-cybernetic hive minds, drifting quasi-cybernetic sleepy quasi hive minds, invasive automata hive minds, invasive hive minds not yet encountered, or individual corporate entities.

Systems Leaving the Federation may wish to consider my Capsule Marques Proposition, to be discussed at a future time in Part III (Restructure Federal/State Conflict To Maximize Ratings), as an alternative to collective security protocols within independent frameworks.

My graduate assistants forecast roughly half the Intaki population will vote Leave.

I commit to honoring that considered decision. Because margins will vary system by system, it is difficult for even graduate assistants to predict which will Leave and which will Remain. Simulations, however, suggest the distribution will follow some form of Perrelaine Smudge distribution.

Although standing and professionalism requirements for entry into the ASDDSD may impede the freedom of moving between zero security space bubbles separated by Remaining Perrelaine Smudge clouds, my administration will ensure no Leaving systems shall be left completely isolated from the star gate grid, going so far as to contract ASDDSD development and maintenance of additional bridges to prevent total economic collapse of isolated regions.

Of course, residents of Leave space who do maintain adequate standing and professionalism shall absolutely be Free™ to navigate the ASDDSD, availing themselves fully of the maximized research, production, and consumption opportunities therein.

Indeed, it is my dream that, inspired by the Intaki example, Ammatar will likewise choose to become masters of their own destiny. In partnership with our dearest Matari friends, my administration shall advance a glorious Belt And Gate Initiative, creating an interstellar superhighway which connects the most distant reaches of Intaki space with the furthest nether zones of the Mandate.

Under the Noh administration, the myriad benefits of self-determination paired with uninhibited research, production, and consumption shall flow to all.

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