The Noh Federation Presidential Platform

Priority Three: Restructure Federal/State Conflict To Maximize Ratings

Our innovative Federation, creative and entertainment envy of the known Universe, finds itself confronted by existential threats. We are besieged by three quasi cybernetic quasi hive minds, numerous criminal syndicates, CONCORD’s overreach, a Deep Bureaucracy intent on sequestering public resources for private gain, and a protracted conflict with the Caldari State.

It is difficult to rank existential threats on an objective scale. All are by definition dire.

However, protracted conflict with the State strikes me as the most tragic. In it, we find the greatest lost potential for mutual prosperity. Whereas the Amarr and Matari remain locked in an irreconcilable struggle over the right to enslave against the right not to be enslaved, citizens of the Federation and State are divided by resolvable disputes over the balance between corporate and public oversight.

That said, I recognize the appeal of national sentiments, and the allure of maintaining shareholder value with ForeverWar™. Peace is often only a dream, even in peaceful times. I wish the cosmos operated differently, but a political leader must begrudgingly compromise with reality in order to get things done.

Furthermore, nationalist urges, corporate greed, and raw reptilian battle lust can be harnessed in a manner which creates opportunities for a better future.

Toward that end, after Reclaiming the Federation’s sovereignty from CONCORD, and after according the Intaki people an opportunity for self-determination, my administration shall implement the Capsule Marques Program.

Implementation of this program shall proceed in the following manner:

  1. Establishment of a Marques Administrative Joint Venture (MAJV) between the Federation and a willing State-aligned entity. Mordu’s Legion has already proved itself capable of fulfilling such a role in regards to the difficult subject of Caldari Prime. On the Federation side, it was recently brought to my attention that the Jin-Mei (and particularly the Saan Go) share a zest for precision and professionalism with the State’s Deteis population. Indeed, as suggested, it is almost as if they represent two poles of some antediluvian cultural axis. Given the involvement of Garoun Investment Bank in the Jin-Mei systems (systems with which I am becoming more familiar by the day), my intention is to invite that institution to lead the formation of MAJV.

  2. Establishment of a Capsule Marques Autonomous Administrative Zone (CMAAZ), to be administered by MAJV, in as much of the present war zone as possible. Obviously we cannot impose this zone on systems dominated by the State without the State’s consent. However, the proposition amounts to the creation of “infant zaibatsu,” and so the State may be amenable.

  3. Auction 17 Marques for each system contained within the CMAAZ. Each Marque shall entitle the holder to possession of a unique deep space pocket, similar to, but much larger than, mining claims available in the AbsoluteSafety™ Drone Dome Shopping District (ASDDSD). Capsule Marques infrastructure installed within a Marque shall provide system-wide benefits to the Marque holder. A maintenance fee will be required to maintain the Marque. In return for this tax burden, however, the MAJV will help protect Marque infrastructure on behalf of the holder (subject to Contestment Licenses).

  4. Marque holders contribute to the security and prosperity of both their Marque and the containing system by purchasing Marques Materials - specialty goods manufactured in the ASDDSD and transported to the respective holdings. If the system maintains a sufficient level of security and prosperity (to be determined) for a sufficient length of time (to be determined), each Marque holder in the system shall be given an opportunity to vote, irrevocably, to join the Federation (or State, to the extent it decides to participate). When all 17 Marques request membership, the system shall be incorporated into the ASDDSD, or whatever equivalent the State provides. There is no time limit for the vote. Ascension happens the moment the last Marque votes in favor while the prerequisite conditions are in effect (even if the system alternates between qualifying and not qualifying in between). Upon incorporation, Marque holders will no longer be required to pay maintenance fees for their holdings, and will enjoy the benefits thereof in perpetuity.

  5. Marques holders may purchase Contestment Licenses to make sorties on one another’s holdings. These licenses shall persist for one week, renewable each week. Absent a Contestment License, which may only be purchased by a Marque holder, the MAJV shall intervene in any attempt to damage Marque infrastructure. This intervention shall not apply to vessels operated by individual capsuleers outside of the holding pocket. Contestment will reduce the security and prosperity ratings of a system (in proportion to the success of the Contestment campaign).

In this way, over the course of long a time, it is possible, if not likely, that what has been a protracted, murderous conflict for far too long already may finally come to an end. The Federation (and State, to the extent it participates) will save enormous resources by leaving it to capsuleers to invest in systems they wish to elevate. Of course, entirely new conflicts almost certainly await somewhere, but that is an issue for another day.

Though not all victorious capsuleers may look kindly on the Federation (though it would be a bit ungracious at that point, frankly), even enemies make good trading partners; and it is entirely possible many enemies will have transformed into not-enemies, if not friends.

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