Nope. You can count me out of your next 500 posts of sheer evasion, dishonesty, exaggeration of ‘thousands of dollars’, selection biased quotes from Steam, and quibbling over how many angels can dance on a pin head.
I’m gonna carry on buying PLEX regardless. And quite frankly I’ve reached a point where if that annoys you then GOOD. Can I have all your stuff when you leave ? ( Actually I note you don’t appear to have played for over 3 years anyway. Typical Eve forums…full of people who aren’t even playing the game ).
Why do you think I’m leaving? I have accepted that EVE is a pay2win game a long time ago. Sure, I rather they would remove that, but it is not a reason for me to not play EVE.
A lot of new player see this differently though, they are quite put off by the blatant pay2win nature of EVE.
Ah yes. Of course. You must be yet another of those psychic people like Lucas who know just exactly what ‘new players see’ based on reading tea-leaves and ignoring the 3/4 of Steam reviews that are positive and focusing on a dozen or so that ‘agree’ with you out of 32,000 that don’t.
No, we can just read the occasional threads where they complain about it.
Obviously if you chose to attribute that to trolling, refuse to consider their opinion or simply ignore it then sure it must feel like we have psychic power for knowing about it.
What are you all still arguing about?
EVE isn’t Pay2Win, it’s Pay2Play and Pay2Catchup.
EVE has no linear missions tied to an overall story that points to an endgame and winning conditions so there can’t be any P2W.
And personally I’m glad to be able to buy SP Injectors and PLEX to get ahead of where I would have been had I not pulled that financial card.
Maybe lots of players love to grind, good for them but I’m not going to spend an entire week’s evenings shooting at rocks, chasing NPCs and whatever other menial tasks just to buy a ship. To hell with that. Especially when I can drop an easily-earned €20 to circumvent all that and have already paid the subscription. I don’t pay subscriptions to grind.
So what you are saying is that even if they would add gold ammo that does 500% more damage and ships that can tank the second coming of jesus without any module into the cash shop exclusively, you would not call that pay2win either? Because EVE has no win condition and because of that no matter what CCP does they can’t make it pay2win.
Lol. I mean you just dropped a text book description of a classic pay2win mechanic that makes you pay money to skip the grind. The fact that you find that convenient is the whole purpose of that mechanic.
If you would play an FPS and you would have to pay for ammunitions every time you wanted to play, and more money would buy you a better gun, you would probably find that obvious pay2win. Yet you play EVE the exact same way and defend it as a nice convenience service that is just a help for players with a disposable income and is in no way pay2win because of no win condition.
The capacity of the human brain to lie to itself is just incredible.
That would include the capacity to lie to itself about how some players have more time to grind than others. Something you have evaded ever since the opening post…and the main reason it all just goes round in circles.
If person A only has half the grind time of person B…why would they not make up the difference with ‘disposable income’ ? You could have a situation where one player was doing solely grind and another player was doing half grind and half cash to PLEX and at the end of the month they are both exactly equal in skills and SP and ships. So what is the problem ??
Again and again and again you are asked what the problem is…yet this thread has now been going on since not long after the dinosaurs were wiped out and you STILL can’t say what the problem is.
I have addressed it multiple times, but you chose to ignore that, wait a couple posts and then pretend like no one ever addressed it.
People not investing time into a game but skipping the grind with money is the classic pay2win mechanic. Just putting a “fairness” spin on that because SOME of the people who may pay dollars to skip the grind have less time to play and rather skip the grind doesn’t magically make the mechanic not pay2win.
It doesn’t have to be a problem to be pay2win
And again and again we tell you it doesn’t have to be a problem to be pay2win. Somehow your mind can’t compute that.
you still don’t understand that there doesn’t have to be a problem for a mechanic to be pay2win. Yeah I doubt you will ever accept that, but it’s good we talk about it and make it visible.
As already mentioned a gazillion times I do have a problem with pay2win mechanics, but it has nothing to do with the whole “fairness” line you are constantly pushing. I have a problem with it because it kills immersion and dilutes the player experience. But if even all of the above doesn’t compute, I doubt this will.
No, because it would be available to anyone who wants to buy it which wouldn’t make it exclusive to a handfull which would mean it’s no advantage and still wouldn’t win anything.
Paying to skip the grind isn’t Pay2Win or then Omega state is Pay2Win too since it gets you ships that Alpha state doesn’t.
That’s exactly right.
It’s still my money to spend and CCP’s game to sell. If you don’t want to pay that’s fine, but don’t whine because others choose to.
No, you haven’t ‘addressed’ anything…you’ve just evaded it. The same way you slither about like a slippery snake…one minute denying you have a problem with P2W, and the next minute you say…
So you do have a problem that you denied having in dozens of posts so far.
As for ‘killing immersion’…what a load of nonsense. I 100% agree with Sienna that nothing is more destructive of immersion than having to grind for hours on end to get a barge or hauler ( only to have it ganked…lol ). NO…grinding does not make one feel ‘immersed’ in anything, least of all any big happy family of players, while one waits an interminable length of time just for the skills to comb one’s hair.
Most noob players are out there mining all on their own in asteroid belts in their puny little ventures for peanuts worth of ISK per hour. What kind of ‘immersion’ is that ? Why would anyone have a problem with them getting in a battleship sooner ?
In fact I would go so far as to say that if grind was ALL that was available I’d have left Eve a long time ago…and so would many others. Far from putting people off the game, P2W is very likely what keeps many in it.
I don’t see what’s wrong with that. Omega state is required to play this game like it was meant to be played. I believe that Alpha account is a mistake. It devides the community. There should only be one kind of accounts for EVE and, yes, don’t want to pay the subscription then gtfo, absolutely.
Alpha Player : " Excuse me, restaurant owner…but why am I only getting a free 5 inch pizza while that guy over there is allowed to PAY to get a 16 inch one ? "
Restaurant Owner : " Ah…that’s because the guy with the 16 inch pizza is actually paying for your ‘free’ 5 inch pizza as well. He’s the one who should be complaining "