The real reasons player population is declining

not even remotly close to whats going on here,
ye may bitch and moan as much as ye like but ye shant turn it into the friendly little doll’s house ye seem to so desperately want it to be ,
because this is our mauldy auld sand pit with hair broken glass and teeth just under the surface and we like it this way.


The fact that a lot of eve players had to deal with. Doesnt mean that isnt discourging for the newbs.

A lot of people play the game so they gain something while playing. In eve you have to wait for before you can go further.

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How do you make that amount how many accounts at the same time? XD

i bet you’re the sort that would complain about your pint of Guinness taking too long


That’s one opinion. Maybe you should take that opinion and go play WoW.
That’s all I’m saying.

i dont like wow, so i dont play wow and demand i be changed to suit me … madness i know


No I am not that kind of player if people actually read. I stated newbs not myself. ^^
Myself… I play other games such as life is feudal. mortal online wurm online. Where you all gain some experience but minimal. Amounts for example: 0.0031. But yeah I could possibly buy 2 skill injectors every week if I keep playing as I recently did. ^^. Just one account and ratting in 0.0…

Yeah, I remember those times and even though it took a long time to accomplish, there was immense pride and self satisfaction gained for doing it. CCP has now made the game so generic and automated with instant gratification that it practically plays itself. No wonder the log-in numbers are hurting.


even if you could grind xp here, you would still have to wait.

the difference is with passive xp you dont have to actually be actively doing the thing for that time ,
you can instead spend that time

scanning anomilys

running missions

smack talking the degenerates in the trade hubs

poking fun at the russians in the trade hubs

fleeing the trade hubs

making a sandwitch

watching netflix

going to the pub

trying to pull

failing to pull

having a sad wank

going to sleep

going to work

whatever , the point is , were this warframe or something else with active xp you would have to come back feeling shamefull and dirty and still have to grind that xp.

mercifully eve has your back here and you can happily carry on with whatever it was you were training for.

Edit: derp spelling


This was the beginning of the end.

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This game is now basically F2P and P2W that’s aimed at the Instant Gratification crowd. Over the years a lot of older players have left due to that fact. There’s still a small percentage of old school subscriptions still active, basically insuring a small steady flow of money. Since CCP still continues to change the game in that direction, more will leave and the numbers will continue to drop despite bringing in new players.


you can still slap a fool across the system ,
regardless of how much isk or sp he has if you know what you are doing.

when that changes i will leave, till then ye are stuck with me.


There used to be complaints about how skill training made the game Free2Win.

Paid or free, SPs are worthless if you dont actually know what you are doing.


Bullcrap, that meme is older than dino rot and doesn’t hold true anymore. The News story about Ironbank creating a Titan pilot with a 3 day old character proves it.

500,000,000 sp does not make you a good pilot

it makes you a pilot.

all thats changed is character age isnt as reliable a gauge as it used to be
and to be fair, you could always have bought charachters


Same here, I’ll keep my Omega Clone character training skills till the servers shut down so I can say:


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Training skills in order to train skills better.

–Gadget Farms Remembers


The ones that increased perception and intelligence would be handy for some…


Lol, that reminded me of the short story Flowers for Algernon. If you are referring to rl attributes…

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Pretty much this

Sp doesn’t matter if you have no idea how the game works. The kb has more insight on a player’s capacities than sp or age ever will imo

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