The real reasons player population is declining

Lol. People still use the Hello Kitty reference 10 years on. Nothing has changed I see.

What if in the mean time Hello Kitty Online has turned into an extremely brutal hardcore MMO just to spite everyone that has ever used that reference?


Well, there’s already the Gallente Federation for that. There is no better way to tell someone to check their privilege than blowing them to bits with an Hecate, right?

Also, you play as a member of an extremely detatched elite whose members feel no obligation towards their place of origin, their community or their sexual identity. If your own country wants you to do something it has to pay you, and you’ll get to it when you’ll get to it.

Are we sure this game was intended to mess with PC people and not with authoritarian conservatives? XD

Also, there is no difference between women or men, race representation is evenly spread out and there is no sexualization whatsoever.

Mmmh… come to think of it, this might be the reason player population is declining. Quick, someone put a pair of breasts on that Myrmidon!

Fact: Population has been stagnant, but not falling, since 2015, and is higher than when I started in 2007.

What seems to have changed is that population of empire space seems to be a lot more concentrated in the north, while it used to be more balanced in the old days.

This isn’t necessarily bad, because it introduces variety and choice. Do you want to be left in peace, or are you seeking action and competition? You can choose!

Interestingly, most “This is why EVE is dying” posts seem to come from players who have made the wrong choice (such as going where the crowd is going and getting repeatedly blown up/pushed away/harrased, or rejecting/avoiding the social aspects of the game and wondering why they still haven’t built their own space empire, as advertised by CCP…)


Wait… is there a North in space?

Jokes aside, you with the north in empire space you mean Gallente space? IIRC is the upmost one in maps.


–Gadget will just leave this here :wink:

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Be careful what you ask for, otherwise this happens:

–Gadget shudders at the thought of Tristan being drawn this way



You may have ruined some perfectly good wailing and screaming, I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY! >: (

Fortunately, there’s still hope - likely some will ignore that stuff *whew!

Not to be mean… But I do not believe you hit the 5y scale button EVE-Offline :: EVE-Online Status monitor
The only significant change in population after 2015 came around the time Alpha states… Then went right back to stagnant and decline. :frowning:

Jita is in the North… and the best empire for Alphas was Gallente before the last patch (Still is) unlocked all empires for Alphas.
and Gallente space and Caldari space are both right next to one another in the North straddling Jita.

I smok kreck becuz EvE

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It declined then stabilized. It has been pretty flat since the beginning of 2018 with maybe a slight downwards trend. However, one has to be cautious with the slight dip in numbers near the end of the series as we are now in the “Spring Break” month in the US–i.e. lots of students will be off from school and going places. Same with summer.


Tristan doesn’t need redesign. Tristan is already beautiful the way it is <3

In before Panzermadels

Troll Detected. Troll Detected. Troll Detected.

The number of people logged in, at any given point during the day, used to be much higher than it is today. Almost double. Ask anyone who is NOT a forum troll that has been playing since before 2010 and they will tell you the same!

And … Graphs from Trolls… :roll_eyes:

Quality troll post. When you start your essay with a plea for ethics- and your name is Captain Bastard… yet still everyone is drawn to the post and comment on it.

Masterful trolling.

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Quality troll Thread.

I say the ISD or CCP should change the title of the thread to “TROLLFEST 2018”.

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Well you joined us on this character in February, so makes perfect sense.

So nice one Fap Rod. This is a post of yours I agree with.


CCP seem to be behaving like our intelligence services, keeping the thread going to monitor our discontent. Time to lock it.

No! Auto will just open a new thread or move to an existing thread and start posting his excrement there and then he’ll add in some nonsense about how CCP is trying to shut him up for “speaking the truth to power” or some other load of crap. Best to keep him right here…kind of like his own little padded cell.


NIcked that last post, as someone will be silly enough to post inappropriate content.