Well, I assumed no one would take that too seriously.
That’s my fault for forgetting you existed.
Well, I assumed no one would take that too seriously.
That’s my fault for forgetting you existed.
Whoah, that was a long post! Can I add a TL:DR?
“To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand EVE Online…”
I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
Still, I’m not so sure this is all PC culture’s fault. If you go into the world chat of most other “dumbed down” games, you’ll always find someone railing against it and would agree with what you said. If your equation was correct, wouldn’t those people be more than happy to at least try out Eve?
If you are going to refute that suggestion, merely calling him an idiot in a one liner is not going to do it. I would however be most intrigued about what he defines as the collapse of the ancient Greeks, because there are a number of points in time which could be defined as the collapse of ancient Greece, was it when Rome made Greece a province, was it when Macedon defeated Athens, who at that point was heavily influenced by a demagogue. I would think he was defining decadence as a loss of virtue by those in charge and a general decadence in terms of pursuit of pleasures and lazy thinking.
You could say that decadence was at the heart of the fall of the Roman Empire too and we are seeing the same thing play out here and now in the west, which Sol alludes to.
I have exchanged with Sol a bit recently on Discord, if he is who I think he is and I most certainly would not call him an idiot.
Actually you do as the player. @Gretek_Moergyn
A lot of players are confused about Eve, it is a hard game and my attitude about certain areas are that they were or are to easy, can flipping to me was terrible as a mechanic as it gave very easy kills, but to other players it removed the hardness, that is a matter of perception. So for me that was not hard for the aggressor, though it is correct now, others will see it as making the game as a whole easier. Who is right?
Bumping for example meets my definition as making it too easy, and funny enough when I go after them I get told I am a raging carebear who wants to make Eve safe, but in reality I am pushing to make it harder.
Recently had an exchange with Salvos, on local, at this point I think the balance is right because it is hard to hunt, but enough people die, it is not a walk in the park. For me the balance is correct. People will argue that it is too easy to rat safely, and that is a case when they rat with supers, but they make their own situation in using a ship which is not exactly easy to catch and kill and expensive, but that is not ISK tanking.
This is the essence of Eve, it is supposed to be hard and is, but it is not hard in all areas, and as such you have to work back if that suits you.
It suits me…
yeah, lets make up our own History and ignore the Historians and all their hard work!
Let’s wait to see how some forum troll defines “decadence”!
This way we will no longer have to wonder why people have such a low opinion of gamers!
That is a nothing statement, historians often interpret Lord Norwich did a fantastic three book series on Byzantium, but he failed to understand their main enemy, still brilliant books.
Decadence is easy to understand, I was more interested in what he defined as the collapse of ancient Greece.
Most people who play games like Eve are of above average intelligence. And in being so I don’t give a monkey’s what they think of gamer’s as a whole.
Your statement means nothing, you have not refuted his statement with anything, you just called him an idiot.
Sorry but this:
Is babbling.
You could not be more wrong if you tried, there is a huge amount of complexity in this game, the planning that goes into large battles is immense, seriously mate you have no idea at all. You should go try some major fleet battles and interact with the people doing the planning and fleet comp, then you would understand. Eve is a game for intelligent players.
I dunno about anybody else, but I want some greek yogurt now…
@Solstice_Projekt - if you like Carlin’s and Fry’s observations about human nature and how things are you might very well find machiavelli’s book “The Prince” interesting. It’s about the nature of the human exercise of power and is slightly disturbing in it’s revealing of our selves. Very good book, five stars.
My personal plan as far as EvE decline or not is to keep playing it as long as I still enjoy it - that simple.
It is almost if there is a fascinating discussion that could take place…but one side refuses to take part in that discussion and prefers to make idiotic insults…
Yes, the “planning” of “large battles”! It takes “large battles” to distract the players from the fact that there is no Depth, No Strategy, and No Thought in the pvp of EVE Online. the Alliance Tournament is all you need to see to know that EVE Online is as idiotic as it gets, one team turns on ECM then wipes out the other team without losing a single ship in the process!
EVE Online is poorly planned, poorly designed, and poorly developed, the people that made it had no clue what they were doing and worst of all had nothing that they were aiming at! As a result the game is jumble of failed systems. It’s totally understandable that you confuse navigating gibberish with complexity. NONE of the interactions in this game were “intentional”, all of the interactions in this game are just Cyberbullies taking advantage of failed systems.
I’m just glad you stay around and try to rescue us from this bad game. Do you still dream about the day you lost that Mammoth?
only need to browse the forums to see that this is a game enjoyed by Cyberbullies and Trolls. With the help of CCP’s outright deceptive advertising, you guys can enjoy an endless wave of victims to Gatecamp, suicide gank, and troll.
In short, the fact that you like EVE Online means nothing.
Fair enough.
Football (all flavors), basketball, baseball, cricket, hockey, etc. - These games are enjoyed by Cyberbullies and Trolls. All one need to do is read a team forums.
And how can every team be the best…at the same time? Their advertising would lead you to believe that this is actually possible.
The fact that one might enjoy sport, means nothing.
Am I doing this right??
Seriously, though.
If only Cyberbullies want to be here…welcome home?
–Gadget roots for the Falcons… does that make her a masochist?
Clearly the game is flawed and must be recreated to serve the PC crowd so that it may not be flawed. Only then can PC justice rain supreme! We will play the way THEY determine, and think the way THEY think or we are bad people.
Is EVE not big enough for everyone?
Could certain regions be under slightly different subsets and/or parameters?
I think he is the same person who started this thread. Possibly the biggest rant against CCP I’ve read on the forums since I’ve been playing.
No. Everyone should favor whichever team is playing against the Patriots.
The game is not flawed. EVE is unique in promoting player adaptation – other players adapting to you, and you adapting to them. That some other player morally judges you should be the most minor of challenges; can they blow up your starbases or something?
Also when you get into them, the capital side of these battles is truly very interesting, which is why more and more I am getting involved in that side of thing. Space superiority fighter battles, attacking a Fort from range, this is cool stuff.
There is strategic and tactical complexity in this game, you just don’t see it.
Yes there are people taking advantage of failed mechanics, I agree with you and I have and will continue to rail against them, you might not have noticed but I am very anti-bumping because I see it as a failed mechanic.
I am actively making suggestions in the war dec discord, I would not however call war dec a failed system, as it is pretty good, however there are things that need adjustment and the issue is that hisec has largely become such a stale place.
Every game has issues and needs re-balance.
But still the changes to caps put in place by the guy who used to play as Dark Razor are damn awesome.
I have found him interesting to talk to on Discord, does not mean I agree with him, but there are certain areas that I do. He is not an idiot, far from it.
And I should point out that I have exchanged with him on General Discussion before and it got heated, but General Discussion is at its heart where people do forum warfare
Yeah that thread was one area that I do disagree with him, but here is the rub, I understand that thread, because at one point I sort of did a post like that, and the reason was because I cared about the game and did not agree with the changes, which especially screwed me over, it was the change to refining…