The real reasons player population is declining

There is no way but forward, there is no move but attack and feint.
You say bad form, i say winning.
I offered, he responded, and i shot.

Carebear down!

Nalana - Masta’Baiter

PS: What way to bait but using truth? is it trully bait then? or did i had a glipse of their soul?

I like you

Have you ever been Inspector gadget? Lol


You obviously lost in life though.

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That was a quick turn into the rl alley…

Gg @Nalana_Vos you got the first blood in this thread lol

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In other words, you cant understand people actually playing a game to make different things than in real life… While shooting people.

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It’s just the truth. A classic trait of someone who behaves like this on the internet. They are unhappy with themselves.

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Are you a psychologist now?

Oh wait, it’s the Internet ofc you are.


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I’m sure I could find the statistics on it, I’ll have a look later if I get time.

Put it this way, how much money would you bet that that isn’t the case a high percentage of the time? Given how unhappy/jealous people are known to respond in real life situations.

I’m not the one who brought up evolution in social systems. You should check the post I’m responding to. And, no, it doesn’t only apply to biological systems. It applies to any propogating system.

I hear that a lot,

From the poor sods who lost their ship to me. You beat me in a game about spaceship pixels therefore you must be bad in real-life and unhappy / wreck of a person.

Know that again you are wrong:)
Thus makeing me the victor.

GF get your virtual ‘‘pod’’ out while u can

PS: your embarrassment is showing

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But can you respond to his criticism in a coherent way without getting all triggered and putting your alliance in you mouth.

You did not good talk here.:rofl:

I hear that a lot,

From the poor sods who lost their ship to me. You beat me in a game about spaceship pixels therefore you must be bad in real-life and unhappy / wreck of a person.

Know that again you are wrong:)
Thus makeing me the victor.

GF get your virtual ‘‘pod’’ out while u can

PS: your embarrassment is showing

You actually said:

Sounds like backtracking to me.

Regardless, a game is not boring because you have no time to dedicate to that game. That is entirely your fault and the game is in no way responsible for your inability to give it the time it deserves / needs.

You have no more right to call EVE boring than I would have to call a book I have only read the first page of or a film I have only seen the first 5 minutes of boring.

We all know EVE is not a quick 5 minute thrill game. We all know EVE is a slow burn game. Neither of these things make EVE a boring game.

If you want a quick 5 minute thrill game, I recommend you go back to WoW and do a daily or something.

Let the record show that for the past 20 minutes Kobran_Ruthless_Vaidrich has tried to come up with a reply that will vindicate him to the internet. i Have counter more than ten restarts until now.

Again being the care-bear that he is, he forgot to bring the apropriate ammo for the enemy he is facing.
A classic mistake.

Thought of the hour:
’‘Those who allow carebear to fly in our space share in the crime of their existence.’’

I was eating actually.

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Wow, I have not seen this staggering of a lack of understanding of a game and its core principals and mechanics since I watched my nephews trying to play Go.

The game encourages you to explore and test boundaries. It is designed to appeal to a niche group of mature individuals and you must understand the contexts of this world as well as understand they are not the same as the real world… mostly. I have seen and received some of the most wonderful acts of compassion, understanding, caring, and charity here in EvE; and yes, seen some truly vile behavior as well.

EvE is sweet and sour, hot and cold, chaotic yet ordered, boring and exciting, all in all… rather unique.

A final note, there are far more egregious examples in much more commonly accepted mediums and outlets of ethical and moral issues that if this game is where that concern point is voiced as a parent… attention has not been paid.


Eating tour words.

Internet psychologist. [sarcasm]


Edit : added [sarcasm] for clarity

You have put it better than i could ever had. I am blunt and to the point.

/me bows to your grace

Argue with this instead. I have work to do.

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