I will take that as ‘‘surrender’’.
Edit: Surrender accepted.
I love it when a post of that size and utter nonsense completely defeats itself. Saves me from having to rebut all that drivel.
The entire approach of this thread doesn’t make much sense.
First off, it doesn’t give a proper answer as to why the player population is declining. OP, you name things that you personally don’t like about the game and that’s ok. It is also fair to assume that CCP’s relative non-enforcement of ToS regarding player to player communication, puts a limit to what kind of people play and stay. The game is supposed to be harsh and violent with as little rules as possible, player to player communication is certainly not. CCP really only acts on the most extreme cases of real life threats or other things that coud make the company liable to lawsuits. Alas, we don’t know if this is CCP adapting to its community or the other way around. In either case, if you don’t like it, try to change it. You haven’t shown this to be a specific reason for players leaving the game and I doubt you can do that, with the data you have, so it is kind of worthless for the point you’re trying to make.
Second, we have done enough analyzing of what is wrong. Everybody knows parts of it, everybody denies parts of it. Generally, we do know and we’ve spoken extensively about it. If anything this might be the time to ask ourselves what exactly we can do in order to grow the player population. After all, a community without a vision, a community that is caught between the ones who articulate how much they are suffering from it and the ones who don’t want any change, is pretty unattractive. It is easy to say that everything is ■■■■, it is also easy to say that the ones who say everything is ■■■■ are actually ■■■■. From the outside this just looks like an unhealthy relationship, the kind of old married couple, that people tend to avoid.
1/4 billion in an untanked hauler…
Dude, learn to use commas. Jesus Christ…
When you analyze it like a banker…nothing is fun
Listen carebear. Life is not fair, get over it.
I am the proud owner of a multi-million $$ Marketing corporation and I started with nothing. And Guess what? Almost everywhere I turned there were people, companies, corporations, even fortune 500 CEO’s bending the rules and using loopholes to create large barriers of entry for the new guys so that they have less competition. There are so many ways to bend the rules in your favor it’s mind-numbing, but I wanted to win legitimately so I didn’t take the easy route in. It required more work, but in the end I made it.
The same goes for EVE… If you’re bitching right now because it’s not fair and it’s too hard, and it caters to the pirates, Then you’re probably just a mindless working drone IRL too who will never make it to the top with an attitude like that. Nothing good comes easy in this world, in fact, most of the good stuff in life is very difficult to acquire.
If you want free handouts all your life you might as well just go cry to your mommy about it.
sigh, yep 1 more thread with dying burnt brain cells the victim…
Like really, who gives a fuq about RL comparisons, its a game, its EvE…it is what it is.
I am the proud owner of a multi-million $$ Marketing corporation and I started with nothing.
If you want free handouts all your life you might as well just go cry to your mommy about it.
–Unimpressed Gadget
I regretfully bought a years sub when it was on offer so that’s why I’m here.
Maybe you should read about sunk costs.
I may as well run the skill queue I paid for. I don’t force myself to play EVE if that what you are trying to imply, I log on for CTA’s and that’s about it. If I didn’t have the sub running though I would probably leave the game for a while.
I am the proud owner of a multi-million Isk Marketing corporation and I started with a Frigate. And Guess what? Almost everywhere I turned there were people podding me,but I wanted to win legitimately so I didn’t take the easy route in. It required more work, but in the end I got podded again.
Thought I’d fix that to make it more relevant.
I’m sure you can relate as Marketing equals Pretty Lies.
Or maybe “Crazy People”.
– Gadget Probes. They’re boxy, but they’re Good.
So… you didnt answer “why did you start playing”?
There are so many ways to bend the rules in your favor
Name one
Believe it or not, there are a LOT of people out there, not just religious or conservative or presumed morally superior people, but just regular decent human beings who don’t like a game so much that directly or indirectly actively encourages smuggling and using narcotics, etc. etc. etc. “its just a game” (excuse) or not.
EVE encourages narcotics use? That’s a new one.
This game tolerates, favors, and actually encourages every bad behavior, and it sides with those engaging in it.
This game does not distinguish between any type of behaviour, good or evil.
It is a fact, and people who have been experienced with the game know it, regardless of admitting to it or not, or what their opinion of it is. This alone is responsible for a lot of people leaving the game, and that is a fact.
No evidence has ever been presented to support this. Evidence contradicting it however, has.
Its not just that the odds are against them, the game itself as it is set up and run against them.
Current game mechanics favour the defending player, not the attacker.
But what really offended me was the fact that on one hand gankers could use active cargo scanners to see people’s cargoholds with detail to pick their victims, but on the other hand, I/we cannot use any anti-target-lock in high sec space, or anything else that would prevent it
In any actual universe or honest simulation, any and all sizes of transports would have been built with heavy armor or weapons to defend their cargo
Or would have an escort fleet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In years there has been no such thing to any real degree, and in fact the opposite, beig nerfed a little,
Didn’t freighters recently get a significant 25% buff to their hulls?
As long as people can do suicide ganking, high sec space, “laws”, and concord mean nothing.
CONCORD deter ganking activity. They’re pretty damn effective at it considering how safe HiSec is.
Eve, you want money coming in from subscriptions? Earn it. Do the work. Make real improvements that favor the more well behaved players, or you lose players and will continue to lose players.
They have, to the detriment of the game as a whole. It’s long past time HiSec was nerfed to breathe some life back into the game.
The game needs to be biased toward the lawful and well behaved players
It already is and look where it’s heading.
I replied so I award you 1/10
So… you didnt answer “why did you start playing”?
Too late.
I made a post about it, the reason is that the game is too much heavily tilted towards people who want to gank and pvp
Those same people dont want to hear about it however
Are you going to?