The Rogue Consortium alliance is currently recruiting new corporations of all play styles to join with us in our low sec/null sec endeavors. The alliance is currently compromised of 9 corporations with around 200 members. The Consortium is an NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) alliance and aligned with a majority of the lowsec groups. Please join our T.R.C Public channel to discuss any questions you may have regarding the alliance and recruitment.
The Consortium is looking for corporations of all SP levels in the following areas:
- Mining/Industry
- Ratting/Exploration
The Consortium offers:
- Friendly & Helpful Members
- Mining/Ratting Operations
- PVP Operations
- SRP (Ship Replacement Program)
- Bounty Program
- Moon/Reactions
The Consortium Requires:
- Submit in-game application
- Submit out-of-game application
- Corporate API
- TS Interview
If interested please join T.R.C Public channel in-game to start the process.