The Simorian Order Is Recruiting!

PvP/PvE Wormhole corporation looking for new members!
Minimum requirement: 10 million skill points

✠ English Speaking
✠ EU Time Zone
✠ Omega Only
✠ Experienced Members
✠ Friendly Atmosphere
✠ Discord
✠ Resource Buyback Programme
✠ Exceptional Planetary Interaction
✠ C2 Home Hole with NS and C5 Statics
✠ C5 Fleet Site Ratting (upto 500 Million/h)
✠ Small Gang PvP
✠ Paid Operations
✠ Null Sec Roams
✠ Corporation Founded 2016.08.22
✠ Join ‘Simorian Order Public Chat’ INGAME CHANNEL or our Discord Server

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La langue utilisée dans ce sous-forum devrait être le français.

Veuillez traduire ce message en français ou le recréer en anglais.

Edit: Thread closed.