This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity

“This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.”

Is the text wrong or the item in the wrong place?

Doesn’t look like any of those items are available on Tranquility, so both the text is right and the item is in the right place.

It is listed on TQ.

That is where the image is from, TQ.

I may misinterpret the screenshot, but it seems you have a link of the item and the amount of items on Tranquility is 0.

wonder if that’s serenity’s form of gold ammo

You will have to talk with The Trainman if you want that on Tranquility.

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So what does it do? Increase the role bonuses from amarr frigs and cruisers?

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