This Week in EVE #173 (21 - 27 October)

So your idea is to delete all income streams for CCP and kill the game?

PS. I don’t understand why everyone thinks plex are very dear? It doesn’t seem any harder to make the isk to buy one than it was in 2009 (hint, 50mil/hour was v.good income for most, check out the old forums they are archived) also there are youtube guides showing alphas how to plex in a month, ok with grinding, but if it was any easier than that why would anyone sub, and if you got less isks for your 18 bucks why would anyone buy one with real cash to sell on the market?).

So this is the last This Week in EVE? :anguished:

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It had better not be. @CCP_Falcon can you comment please?

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Looks like it is. :frowning:

Well, we can always use this then:

Looks like CCP doesn’t even have the manpower anymore to remove the link from the launcher. But at least Hilmar gets a bigger bonus!


This brings memories of the “latest news” in client that were one year outdated, and were available at login before character screen was redesigned and news were removed completely from there. :joy:

But ads are coming new. So they are working on “something”. :smirk:

No more This Week in EVE?
It had been about 4 weeks now.

Phantom is not working for ccp anymore, as a lot of the community team is(nt)

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