I enjoy flying the Edencom ships Skybreaker and Stormbringer and they have their uses I’ve been wanting to try out the Thunderchild out of curiosity and completionist type reasons knowing it probably wouldn’t be great as no one fly’s it or seems to like it much, but why not, so I bought one and blinged it a bit and headed to a level 4 mission agent to take my 5 billion isk ship out for a spin.
I got “buzz kill” for a mission and warped to location where I was greeted by 5 angel assault cruisers. Targeted, started firing and noticed all 5 started taking damage and thought ok this might not be too bad. Soon enough they all separated a bit and then only one was being hit and as I have flown the skybreaker and stormbringer I figured oh well this may take a while. Well I couldn’t kill one of these cruisers as I was hitting for 225 ish mostly so after firing about 70 rounds (at 15000 isk per round ffs) I finally warped off to get my Vargur.
I have a level 4 cert for this ship, so my skills are good.
Is there any use for this ship other than a collectors piece?
So CCP a 5b isk battleship that cant kill a single cruiser in a level 4 mission?
[Thunderchild, Thunderchild]
Vorton Tuning System II
Vorton Tuning System II
Vorton Tuning System II
Vorton Tuning System II
Vorton Tuning System II
Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Core A-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Large Consortium Vorton Projector
Large Semiconductor Memory Cell II
Large Processor Overclocking Unit I
Large Core Defense Operational Solidifier I
Hornet II x5
StrikeSnipe Ultra L x5000
ElectroPunch Ultra L x5010