Time to sunset Warp Core Stabilizers

ESS has a strength 100 scram effect, so nullers trying to impress the tax collectors by bringing in something they regret to have brought before they even land, won’t be able to escape learning their lesson the hard way, even with an WCS

Or do you mean the miners? They’re just dodging federation tax, which I don’t think qualifies them as thieves, but unless they have a “hull integrity certificate”, the defenders of highsec law and order will drag them to the medical bay of a gallente station where they’ll be judged independent of any number of WCS they might have, too.

Sure, why not. It’s useless now anyway against most gangs except the most inexperienced ones.
Double scram? You go boom
Scram+long point? You go boom
Heavy scram? The same boom
Faction scram? Still boom
HIC? Ultra-boom (Well this one is kinda unfair to include but still)
Also if you need both WCS and nullifier it reduces your ship to basically a brick with engines - all that for a luxury of having +2 core strength for up to a whopping 18 seconds! /s

It maybe kinda somewhat probably justified to use with DST and ventures but still meh

I’m talking about stealing loot in hisec including mission critical items. :wink:

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Scrambling someone who’s using a warp core stabilizer is griefing, full-stop. Just like when someone is wearing headphones on the bus and you know that they aren’t consenting to you starting a conversation, the usage of a warp core stabilizer is a clear sign that someone is not consenting to having their warp operation interrupted at that time. The only reasonable thing to do at that point is to turn off your warp scrambler(s), apologize for the intrusion, and go on your way. Proceeding to scramble another player’s ship anyway is essentially violent assault, and CCP should treat it as such when enforcing their ToS harassment rules. Anyone caught scrambling a player ship despite the use of a warp corp stabilizer by their target should be suspended from the game.

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Some griefers use scram and disruptor, for 3 points. This shows a clear intent to cause emotional distress to their victim, and such harassment should be a bannable offense as it is a clear exploit to try and circumvent the stabilizer.

At the very least, if you use a stab, it should redirect any damage done to you back at the cyberbully, this would really teach them a lesson.

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Actually, reflecting the tornado’s volley back to the tornado would be pretty cool. Tornados are one-hit-wonders anyway, with the volley coming back they would be even more so.

I think criminal tags are assigned only on the next tick, i.e in the tick in which the miner is already a pod, and therefore has no WCS which could reflect the damage. Or it could result in the miner’s module bouncing the attack in the same tick, i.e. a tick before the tornado becomes a criminalt, and get the miner concorded for bullying to poor Tornado. In either case, the miner would give the tornado a limited engagement, which is always good to have.

Any solution that would not cause the miner to be the emitter of the reflection volley, such as a mechanic that would cause the tornado to hit itself in addition to the miner, would provide the tornado with the ability to wreck itself before concord does, i.e. the miner helping the tornado to escape concord, which is a bannable offense and would get the miner banned :wink:

MoOII has such technology, maybe CCP could take inspiration from that classic game.


Reflection Field

Ship defense that has a chance of reflecting each incoming “beam” attack.

The field makes an attempt to reflect each incoming beam weapon (regardless of whether the weapon was fired solo or as part of a group.) If successful, the field bounces the incoming beam back to the attacker; the defender suffers no damage, while the attacker suffers the full strength of the reflected attack (with 2× range dissipation penalties). The field will reflect Death Rays with around 1/4 chance (very rough estimate), and anything weaker, more often.

Note: The reflection chance formula (for each indiv. beam weapon) is: 10/(10 + Incoming beam power). I.e. for a weak laser beam 1 the chances are 10/11 = 91%, for plasma from a long distance: 10/(10+6) = 62.5%, for HV Plasma + HEF from point blank 10/10+(45*1.5) = 13%

The field can co-exist with shields, reflecting beams before they ever hit it.

Special weapons, such as the plasma web and stellar converter, cannot be reflected.

Edit: Oh and note that despite they are called “beam” weapons the category includes the Mass Driver and Gauss Cannon weapon systems as well thus the equivalents of hybrids (and as an extension projectiles as well) of EVE.

To me this thread reads as “I’m angry that it’s not easier to blow up other players.” But I don’t see anyone that has been blown up complaining at all. Not a single quote of, “Well I get ganked all the time and I think the WCS are too strong. It’s too easy to get away and not lose all my hard earned Isk and equipment.” Nor do I see “What?! It should be so much harder to gank us. We should be able to equip as many WCS as we want and activate 10 of them to get away.” So this thread is really about someone wanting what they want, and not what works well for everyone. I was a little confused when I came back to the game and realized that my hauler couldn’t equip 4 passive WCS. But I like the new system. It means I have to pay attention to what I’m doing and where I’m going. And in the event that someone does try to kill me I have an opportunity to escape. Depending on their equipment, maybe I’m home free, and maybe I’m space dust. But if the argument is just the attackers arguing that it’s not easy enough to kill whoever they want, then there’s a good chance it’s fine.


Thank you for your honest response. Welcome to he… the forums :slight_smile:

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if you want to counter that just fit both a point and a scram, they are giving up a slot for the WCS, it is only fair you give up a extra one yourself to counter it

Hellooo forum😀
@Radax_Glenn If players like you continue to push things out of this game all there’s going to be left is skin on a carcass.
Quit trying to restrain other players because of your own shortcomings.

Fifie vs nerfs

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should be a PERMABAN shoot a wcs ship

they fit the warp stabilizer cuz they dont want u scramming them and then us hoot them? thats griefing and irl harassment CYBERBULLY tactics


Warp core stabs have been gutted and nerfed so much its entirely useless to fit it on anything but a hauler thanks to the penalties for even having one. Stop crying because you didn’t have a good warp scram. Warp core stabs could be sunsetted and it would make no difference at this point.

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Helloo forum :grinning:

Don’t ask me, I just work here :sweat_smile:

Someone above my pay grade is going to have to answer that… or not. It’s no secret the ships go boom in EVE any which way possible and imaginary, srams or not.
Cyberbullying and online harassment are both beyond my domain of expertise.

Fifie srcams

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