Titan Basgerin - Retracted

Location: Basgerin - Vatican Freeport Popestar
Evepraisal: https://evepraisal.com/a/vy0s6

T2 Long Range Guns
T2 Anti Cap Guns
Travel Refits
Nestor Included
Fully Fueled
Bridge Included
Active Tank + Passive Tank Included

Price: 76b obo

Mail Me Here Or In Game.

offering 70bil

Bump. Looking for a bit more for whats included.

Quick Bump

To the top

B/O is 81b or best offer

58b offer

Buyout Lowered - Still Accepting Offers

Bump: Can Mail Me Here Or In-Game.

Is that offer still good? @Dai_Kyoko

67bil now.

Sale Ended

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