Firstly I am not talking about any Sociology at all. Please do not take these replies by others at a face value but rather a misinterpretation of my intended message.
Coming to your main points:-
Before any socail interaction between two individuals , there exists a communication barrier. There are barriers everywhere. And yes they did not create them in the first place but in a sandbox,
it is the responsibility for the developers to provide a means through which they can be overcome.
This is simple game design and not sociology.
From practical experience, I can usually deduce the practical experience others have about knowledge and understanding, and how, their lack of perception about communication may lead them to believe they are not creating the barriers they seek to create to try to use those barrier to actually solve problems they think they have with understanding when in fact it’s not the case and their perception is what makes them in sync with that level of disconnect with reality.
The fact is, communication gap, not barrier happen, when,
people try to make money from them.
As best I can parse this (the lack of proper punctuation in this sentence makes it a little challenging), you are saying that I should have been able to understand your earlier communication because you weren’t writing anything that was secret - which I can only assume is intended to mean ‘convoluted’ or ‘obfuscated’ in this context.
The way you write is not in line with the English conventions for sentence structure or word usage with which I was raised; this is where my lack of understanding comes from. Not all people have the same experiences, so what seems perfectly transparent to you is not perfectly transparent to me. We have different experiences with language, and yours is sufficiently outside my familiarity to be difficult to parse. Regardless if whether you think you are being clear, I cannot understand some of what you are saying. That doesn’t make either of us wrong, bad, difficult, or anything else negative.
Retention as it stands is divided into two main sub-problems:-
(1) Communication Barrier
(2) Lack of good incentives or difficult to find any ; in relation to the different playstyles
And Additional problems related to the sub-problems:-
(3) The ability to sustain that playstyle when it has been found upon
(4) The inability to form groups to expand upon the playstyle.
And , how am I deviating from it (the sub problem you referred to that I implied that you referred to since there was no other subject related you may have inferred in your communication) ?
Fill in the summary
Premise: Player retention is a problem for EVE Online
Argument: Low player retention is caused by the listed factors.
Evidence: ???
Solution: ???
ah ah ah
Maybe you want to add the punctuation that suits you best for your own need for the level of understanding you need about that understanding you referred, which , since you stated you didn’t ,
I too do not have.
Well, I’ll be waiting, maybe there lies the diversion you were referring to that you thought I was the one doing when it’s most likely someone else intending me to do it or make me seem like if I did.
I mean, also, deviating and diverting can be similar with specific difference but with certain points related to each others.
First analyze the problem, then, find what the problem is.
Once that is done, you can formulate more clear and concise solutions, even if you can find better ones later.
When the first parts are not done, the certainty ratio for the solution is affected from it, no matter what.
You got it wrong haha. The premise is not about the player retention as a problem in eve online but rather looking at eve online as a platform which suffers from a high fluctuating rate of consumer usage.
Retention is not a problem. Its not a fixed problem. Its a continuous problem. The solutions to a continous problem become outdated after a certain period of time .
The evidence is what I don’t have nor I will never have. Because I can not acess the data to how many new players have signed up on eve online and how many of those new players continue after 1 month.
That data, crowd control has.
Do not look at rentention as a problem that is of the past but as a something that comes up time and time again when Crowd Control implements a patch or brings in a new quadrant.
To understand rentention, we must look at the core issues that gave rise to it in the first place. After that, once we realise that these issue have remain present throughout 18 years of eve ; the solution
You need to look at retention both at individual and group level.
One possible solution is to identify the incentive trade-off that happens on how a given playstyle is affected.
There are multiple solutions to the various sub problems that I have not talked about .
You mean you want me to do the work, in the writing, so that it takes me more time to write it, which after I could automate the work, while you could claim I did the work for nothing, because you didn’t plan to understand it in the first place?