Training Booster Megathread

I thought you were fired :wink:

Seems to me people are clearly missing the “One per account” clause of this bundle. People also seem to be missing the fact that since the invention of skill injectors you could always buy skills for money.

It’s a far cry from “quickly cashing in” to sell a 1.5 mil skill bundle that’s locked to one per account. In fact it’s about the same price as it would be to buy the same amount of PLEX, converting to ISK and buying an equivalent amount of skill points in the form of injectors. Seems to me this bundle serves veterans quite well as it’s good value (no above 5 mil skill point penalty) and it also gives new players who are willing to fork out some money a quick leg up to help deal with the dangers of undocking your ship.

Some people are clearly being a bit over dramatic about this bundle, as is usually the case with almost any kind of change that involves money that any gaming company introduces to a game.

You miss the fact that these SP created by other players within game mechanics.
And also you miss the fact that injectors SP decay due to used by high SP toons.

You both seem to miss the fact that CCP has already handed out millions of SP per character for no other reason than logging in to the character screen.

No rage over that, though. I wonder why that could be? Oh…right…it was free.

i’m just here for the empty threats from people claiming they’ll unsub their accounts :popcorn:

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I did some calculations.
1.5M SP according to skill injectors is 2.25B ISK. $40 of Plex nets approx 2.79B ISK. Overall the bundle seems fair to me and goddamn am I always hongery for SP.

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Oh I can be wrong, but I am also working hard on helping make the NPE better. And even with the horrendous churn (burnout of new pilots) if we get more eyes on the game we get more players even if they are a precious few.

But yeah. I am always willing to be shown where I am wrong. After all, I AM married, so I am used to it.


In that case, when you are wrong you are wrong, but when you are right? That is when you are especially wrong

You let RL get in the way of EVE? Ew. Unacceptable. I would never have voted for you if I knew you were married. Do what ever true EVE player does: Quit your job. Sell the car. Shoot the dog. Bury the wife. Biomass the kids… Standard operating procedures with my crew.

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I’ve been merged (merged) merged (merged) merged (merged),
YES, I’ve been merged.

Megathread you’ll always be home sweet home to meeeee.
Good old Megathread. Megathread CCP! Megathread CCP!

I don’t see what all the fuss is about with this thread, the game was already P2W.

This again listen.

Skill points doesnt mean skill. You can have all the skill points in the world but still suck at the game.

The key to this game is knowledge of mechanics not only of trade and combat. I have seen people come into the game, spend hundreds of dollars on getting the ‘best stuff’ only to die to a suicide gank or go to wh space and get lost die to sleepers and get stuck.

Also how does one win in an mmo? You don’t, no matter how much shiny stuff you get, no matter how big your ship is, there well always be one person or one group of people who will take all of it away and make your rage quit.

So just stop saying EVE is P2W, cause it isn’t.

Are you saying only PvE games can be pay to win?

Because the reasons you give for Eve not being P2W can be turned on its head. Because say you purchased a super ship, still doesn’t mean you will win with it, if it comes up against a group or even multiple accounts.

Also those saying about characters producing the sp for injectors, I don’t see much difference between CCP selling the sp direct or players using characters for the purpose of milking the sp from a character to make isk by selling them. In most cases if you’re removing sp it’s likely not a real character just an alt for farming sp.



now i think about this more…

CCP removes a 1 time purchase of 1m sp for 5 USD…

this is nothing but money grabbing communistic bullshittery…

at the very most this should be 7.50 USD for 1,5m sp… not including the booster…

The only reason some players don’t like the idea of CCP selling sp direct is they will be in competition with players that are farming alts to produce sp to sell via injectors.

Lets face it other than putting skills into a skill queue no real effort goes into producing a lot of the sp for sale by players.

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If people complained about them introducing SP training back in 2015, I see their point and can sympathize with their current complaints as that system developing even more. All of the “BBBBUT BEFORE IT WAS DIFFERENT BB-B-B-B-ECAUSE IT ORIGINATED FROM A PLAYER!!!11!!” people are full of donkey diarrhea though. As long as skill injectors are in the game, I am able to buy SP to achieve an advantage. And guess what? I could buy whatever I wanted with PLEX too!

If people were always against things like this, and were against SP extraction ever being a thing, I’m cool with them. If they’re one of the people that think that introducing it was just “okay/whatever etc.” and that this is unacceptable though, they should promptly give me their stuff and ISK before unsubbing (and also preferrably extract all of their SP and give it to me via LSIs)

I honestly think people are whining because it’s costly and if they can’t or won’t get it noone should and it therefore “sucks” and is “bad for the game”.


just to let you all know, the content packs all include 250k SP each, and there used to be a starter pack with 1 mil SP for 5 bucks.

I must say, 40 Bucks for 1.5 mil(which is 30 day Omega training time) is far too much. For lower SP chars it is more worth to buy 1.1k PLEX and then buy 3 Skill injectors. Its something only high skilled players will benefit.

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This is BS on every level.

What is actually left in the game for people who sub?

When they taking that away?