Training Booster Megathread

Most of them don’t even get to that stage.

They do the tutorial, then say “okay now it’s time to get a carrier!” Then they look up carriers on the market, notice that the info window tells them it will take 223 days of training to get into one, and go and post a negative review of the game.

There is nothing before the NPE. That’s the tutorial.

They don’t know what a carrier is or how to check the market.


Most people playing a sci-fi spaceship game can reasonably guess that “carriers” exist in it.

Also, while there are some players who will play for hours and not grasp the simplest concepts, most will progress at an average, reasonable pace. I’m sure that the grand majority of players know what the market is within 5 hours of play time. The rookie help chat is very lively and active, and questions like that get answered there all the time.


I think you’re giving newbies and EVE UI too much credit.

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Yeah, except the 1.5 mil SP doesn’t require any play time. And the accelerator makes your normal training faster so that three months is more productive. Purest P2W yet.

Buying PLEX for money and using the ISK for skill injectors also require no play time (from you).

So how are you winning EVE by buying a one-off SP injection?

Like I already told some other doofus that doesn’t understand EVE, if you win the game after getting this bundle, I’ll double your money back.

I want to buy the Palatine Keepstar now. I am ready.

A sorry end to this once epic game. GG CCP, no really… it was. Finally cashing out and selling skillpoints for cash. Only the dross remain.

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This would be a violation of the EULA.

Not me… them, you muppet. I stopped playing years ago.

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Heh heh. Still playing the forums, though.

But you still hang around the forum. What does that say about your actual life. Or lack of a life, as the case may be.


TRUE new players will struggle massively, even with basic UI functions simply because there’s no game that operates like EVE so they have nothing to fall back on.

There are however lots of “new players” (alts who claim to be new) who magically do really well and can traverse the universe on day 2 and go into a WH and come back with riches. They also (pre)tend to ask “questions a newbie would ask” (but what a newbie wouldn’t ask at all). They’re easy to spot as they generally ask leading questions which gives away their beyond-newbie knowledge.

From gut feeling I’d guess that the true newbie to “newbie” ratio is 1 in 10.

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Narh man. The forums are actually quite entertaining as an ex-player.

Reddit is boring and joining discords is too personal (also boring).

These forums have some mental regulars.

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Says a sad little forum troll… how many shiptoasts today buddy?

I spent years playing this game and have invested time and love into it so naturally care about its direction, which I can safely say is a quick trip to the bank for the owners before its death. No-life forum plebs like you will be forever though.

Today EVE Online finally become P2W and died:

May God save her sinful soul :pray: :pray: :pray:


Not P2W - but now confirmed full on Whaling game - so yea, RIP is a sense.

Edit: There is no loss that a credit card can’t fix - good bye sandbox - rapidly becoming bloatware

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And why not P2W? This bundle not limited per account. You can simply buy complete skill set by the click.
Even if you’re 1-day newbee (but very very rich newbee)

Because SP does not equate to Winning anything - just means you can lose more expensive ships (which you also bought with the credit card) - the only way to win at Eve is to stop playing.