Training Booster Megathread

I’d scrap my SP accounts (only have a few) - and don’t need SP - and wouldn’t then need to pay to play for the rest of the games future… already tempted to do just that as a result of a series of changes…

As I outlined above, CCP would be losing money by doing this. Unless they (somehow) calculated that this package will make up for it by expanding the SP market through sheer volume.

Well, they have already done this, so they must be willing to accept that.

How long ago was that?

Just worked it out, by scrapping (SP extract) my spare accounts accounts and sticking to just the one - i could PLEX sub for the next 5-10 years leaving me with enough billions to waste an awful lot of ships… crickey!

This pack is targeted at people who want instant gratification and don’t care how much it costs. There will be enough people in that category to make this a reasonable business decision for CCP.

It’s much too expensive to make sense for skill farmers or those of us who have the skills we need and are prepared to wait for the rest!


You can buy approximately one month worth of SP for the price of three months gametime?



But people buy expensive skill injectors, so :woman_shrugging:

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Well, except that it is limited to ONE PER ACCOUNT. shrug I don’t like it either though.


Another excellent offer, CCP.
You are really like that dog sitting in a burning room meme, saying “This is fine”.
Because what players truly need right now in this game is hyper-mega-ultra boost bundle. And more overpriced SKINs, of course.

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It’s called boiling the frog.

It’s called capitalism.

Waving Queen Lizzy

If you do, can I have your stuff ??

Hey, if handing over $40 in exchange for $30 back is your thing, I’ll take everything you got. Have $100? I got $75 with your name on it, trade straight across. No questions asked.

This is literally an IRL Jita scam. LOL!!

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Haha, God Emperor Kane. You seem to be everywhere I go :stuck_out_tongue:

On topic though. CCP has always been consumer unfriendly. Being Alpha in EVE is basically an untenable way to play with all the restrictions it brings, especially for new players. Having alts isn’t P2W but paying for omega on all your alts, that is P2W. You don’t simply have alts, you’re paying to have better alts than people who don’t pay for their alts to be Omega. Basically everything in EVE has a “pay to get it quicker” option which simply makes this training booster par for the course.

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lol So many people worried about the skill injector market, their SP accounts, CCP losing money on this and EVE breaking its promise not to sell skill points etc seem to be missing the “ONE PER ACCOUNT” bit of this bundle.

It’s not like you can just keep buying these indefinitely and never need a skill injector again or use this to buy so many skills that you would never have to spend a second training skills again. It’s simply a one off, and probably mostly geared towards new players who need a way to help them get into the game better. As it stands, reviews for EVE are in the tank because new players are having a terrible time getting into the game and as far as I can see the new player problem is the number one thing hurting CCP and EVE at the moment.


Well, no, because this bundle is “one per account” so if you want to get to 5M you will need to buy this and then still buy skill injectors for the rest. lol Everyone seems to be missing the “One per account” bit of this bundle.

New players don’t spend $40 on F2P games. What new players do is start playing, try to get/use shiny items but are unable to, see the $40 price tag on the thing that allows them to get/use the shiny items, and go on the forums to post “what the ■■■■ is this P2W ■■■■■■■■, go eat a dick greedy dev scumbags!” threads. If you want any proof of this, go read the Steam reviews for the game.

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