I have been actually working on an article about this . and i have mentioned the subject in Red donut Discord to see how much people can comphrehend.
I would call it a failiure … only one person pretty much grabbed what i am saying and that one was studying philisophy
One of them made me even so tired of it i just come to point that say ■■■■ it ! Lol
So before i start and gear up i would like to add this OP to my watch list
Did you? I guess i missed that. (please don’t sue me)
And in either case the quotation marks could be an indicative that i was going for a less strict/precise definition. Language is fluid and nuanced afterall.
Yes it is very suitable … for now i am just watching … if i see anyone up for serious talk… some of the ingame mechanics, ingame skills, lore, and behavioral aspects of the players will begin to come to table to evaluate…
There are both utopic and dystopic predictions and very different theories under this title . In eve lore it ended up with a disaster for a race … guess which one ?
We are no more transhuman than a car is transsteel. While a human mind is required in our creation we are a fully independent entity. While the idea that we are the continuation of the life who’s mind was destroyed in our creation is comforting, particularly for the mortals that coexist with us. It simply isn’t the reality.
The meat suits we inhabit are again born of comfort not need. We are creatures that exist made up of information and nothing else.