
Never wondered why not even a single one of us is a “nudist”?

If you were just a brain in a jar, you’d quickly go kill crazy. You gotta have a body of some type!

Madness do to a lack of any input has nothing to do with a need for mimicking a human body. That is from nothing more than comfort and habit. Artifacts left over from our method of creation.

It has been years since any of us have even left our pods. The luxury of such a thing ultimately deemed trivial and a waist of time. The ships of our wonderful cluster serve as far more useful vessels

Capsuleers can leave pods when whey wish, outside ship. Its only a choice if they dont. It is perfectly fine to walk around when someone wishes it. Game just doesnt fully show what capsuleers are capable of.

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That " meat suit " is needed to experience the material world around us. Without our bodies we wouldn’t be able to use our 5 senses: sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing that send info to our brain through the nervous system so, no, it’s not for comfort but function.
Our hands are shaped the way they are to permit us to manipulate objects ( see how well you do without thumbs ) and many other parts were created for us to interact with out environment.
Not comfort… function.

Perhaps so…for some.

The plan:

How most of us “little people” will probably actually end up:


Have you been in a ship before? Where all of those senses are replaced by the ships instruments and sensors?

We don’t though. Years ago we abandoned the last vestige of the tedium when we all stopped renting captains quarters.

The only reason to go out and walk around is if we need to be less intimidating to the mortals

Have you?

Honestly the whole pod and capsuleer never really stuck with me as I am more of a fan of the traditional Syfy space ship theme of captain + crew. This is true to some extent in EVE NPC ships so that comforts me.

Yeah… how exactly did you think you were controlling your ship?

With my feet.


your feet… that are suspended in fluid inside a control pod with no control surfaces? thats how you’re controlling your ship?

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Yes… and with a hose up my arse.

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I mean… if that’s what gets you off but the neural jacks are all you really need.

My neural jacks have been disabled indefinitely… I had to plug jumper cables to my nuts.

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Implants are for weaklings


I actually considered not having implants for this character as a role-played dogma. Although, such a stance makes little sense when you consider what attaining capsualeer status entails.
Does transitioning from humanity mean leaving it behind?

We don’t seem to actually think at the speed of light but rather the speed is a fairly slow but gigantically parallel computer, though this might make communicating a hell of a lot faster. If it’s done right, and personally at that point it I think the internet could be sort of obsolete, it would be really intense to see what does happen with a disagreement. What happens when two people who both think they are right can simply give each other total access to not just their idea, but the entire thought process, experience, and emotional stuff that caused them to have it in the first place?
I have a friend who has always been very interested in what consciousness is, and says that it’s not unlikely that our brains are nothing but an antenna of sorts registering stuff on a quantum level. So maybe we are doing stuff at or near the speed of light already, just not the electro chemical part.

Considering the whole premise of what we are in Eve, this seems to me to be a very relevant subject. In Eve it seems that we make do with the technology we can scrounge, in this case from the Jovians primarily (in terms of becoming capsuleers), and adapt it to what ever need or we can bend it to.
Where we are now in real life is well on the way to getting started on becoming transhuman, we have all sorts of stuff, including the internet, rudimentary artificial intelligence, artificial limbs, artificial joints, artificial organs, and all sorts of stuff like that. Add to it augmented reality devices and a totally new culture of people 100% glued to their technology, and one who’s every action or utterance is monitored and analyzed for everything from improving instant gratification of all sorts, placement of advertising making the acquisition of possessions easier, to near total governmental control and oversight in some cases. We aren’t transhuman yet, but I don’t think it’s that far off.
The question, I think, is what are we going to do with it? Right now we have a culture that is radically different than what we had a few years ago. I see children who have fully adapted to crossing a busy street without taking their eyes off their phones, the government’s of large countries using those very same devices to exert intense control of all sorts over their populations, and large companies harvesting data about everyone they can gain access to (almost everyone) in an effort to manipulate their behavior.
And that’s just what you get when you combine television, telephones, and the internet into a handheld addiction, imagine what it will be like when it’s built in. Imagine what humanity will be like when this stuff is installed at or even before birth.
Imagine our favorite pastime, war, and what it will turn into.
Right now the addiction is fed mostly by personal pleasure, what happens if that changes? It’s not going to be Boston Dynamics vs Shanghai Robotics, it’s going to be either of them vs huge populations of the grotesquely unprepared in a war for food, water, and the resources needed to keep making the technology we are voluntarily enslaving ourselves to.
It’s perfectly possible we will instead make an effort to use this stuff to get our selves out from under it, but we aren’t doing that now. All we are doing at the moment is making it more addictive, and making ourselves more dependent upon it.

Isn’t this fun? All we have to do now is escape the gravity well and spread like locusts across the galaxy and maybe beyond. If we don’t we will LOL at pictures of food on crap like facebook till we die. I think that right there is the goal in a sense, work, LOL, die. And don’t you dare do anything of consequence or the dancing robotic dogs will come take you out.

Hopefully the point of transhumanism is to escape our present path and do something useful with ourselves. The problem is some idiot will prove that it’s a good thing to do and actually say so, that will allow the willfully ignorant to reject it so they can sit back and watch the world burn and have someone other than themselves to blame for it.

■■■■ I’m in a bad mood all of a sudden.
Wait, isn’t there an app for that?


That’s quite the question there. Reminds me of the Butlerian Jihad in that famous scifi novel by Frank Herbert, “Dune”. He explores a few avenues, but not too openly, confronting adaptation of humans via implant technology and heavy use of artifical intelligence (the Tleilaxu society) and via any other means (pretty much the rest of the societies, some of which are fundamentalists when it comes to keeping the integrity of the natural body form, going as far as training human computers because all manufactured forms of computers are illegal), including the notorious “spice” that enables space travel. It’s not explored in depth, but it’s a plot device.
I guess humanity i.e., human condition, could be lost if the transitioning involves creating unnatural (not genetically determined) reflexes and thought patterns via implants and alterations. It’s so new that “humanity” would require a new definition. What constitutes a human being, is what you are asking.
Asimov has written a famous novelette on the subject, humans “evolving” more and more towards a cyborg state, while the protagonist, a robot, is desperately trying to become more human. “The Bicentennial Man”, if you want to read it.