Rogue Drones have made it into Abyssal Deadspace. Rogue Drones have infiltrated a temple in the Devil’s Dig Site in Okkelen Constellation. The Okkelen Constellation is home to the Kyonoke Pit.
I’d put forward that the Triglavian attempted to make a construct out of a single elemental strand and that their reason for proving in Abyssal Deadspace would be like roasting marshmallows.
Kind of like a Triglav = Lord Temporal /\ Sleeper = Lord Spiritual.
A Noema forms, some Triglav enter the Abyssal Deadspace where they are detached from reality, the deadspace pocket is normally formed in a mathematical distribution of prime-function locations next to the main elemental hive. Here the Triglavians endure the isolation of Abyssal Deadspace in order to forge an appendage that is attached to the elemental construct.