Two new players looking for AU TZ Corp

Pretty basic, title says it all.
Me and a mate looking for a corporation to learn the ropes and help out where we can.
Been looking through the wiki and forums a fair bit whilst learning what we know so far and it looks like finding a corporation to join is one of the next moves.
Not looking for a full time job here just something to keep company whilst playing and moving on to a specific role later on.

Still pretty new to it all so replying here or in game would be best.


Panic Stations is a low-sec corporation that would love to help you two learn the ropes of PvP. We do not do mandatory Call To Arms, and have specialist roles available when you think you are ready. We provide skill plans for training and have Ship replacement. Please consider us as your next step in the journey through New Eden. Feel free to message me in game for more details. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Heya Frozen, Singular Paradox May be a good fit for you and your mate. Even though you are AUTZ we Fly primarily late night PSTZ so there’s quite a bit of overlap with in TZ coverage. We love to take on new pilots so you wont have to worry about you and your mate being left out in the cold. Our approach to the game is casual so we realize at the end of the day its just internet spaceships, but we do also realize there’s real people behind the keyboards so we don’t rage when when things don’t go our way. Anyhow i’ll drop the paste and copy and let you take a look at wjhat we are about.

Singular Paradox is looking for more pilots to bolster our ranks . We are a mature, USTZ based casual corp living in Wormhole space. Singular Paradox is looking for pilots that are mature, laid back and understand at the end of it all its just pixels. We do not have mandatory OPs or CTAs. What we do offer is the opportunity for you to experiance EVE in a stress free relaxed enviroment.
We have reguler PvP roams through worm space, low sec and 0.0 with experianced, patiant fleet commanders. Never PvPed, no problem we have plenty of vets that are more then happy to help you along the way. Dont want to PvP, not a problem, we also offer reguler PvE and mining oppertunities to help fund our shameless PvP habits and fatten our wallets.

At the end of the day heres what we can offer:

  • Wormhole lifestyle
  • Casual, mature enviroment
  • Regular PvP roams in null, low and worm space
  • Knowledgable FCs
  • Plenty of PvE opportunities to fatten up your wallet

So if you think Singular Paradox may be a fit for you join our chat channel Singular Public or contact vynok, Splendorfire or Rosk Volutar


Krypted Gaming is looking for quality, social pilots to join us on our space adventures. We are a community focused on quality over quantity, and look for pilots with great attitudes towards the game and fellow players. We live in the nullsec region of Deklein, and are proud members of SLYCE.

We aim to be,

  • Tight Knit (~40-50 actual humans)
  • Highly active (88.5% of our members are online daily)
  • Top Contributors in PvP & Industry (top 3 for monthly alliance fleet participation)
  • Knowledgable & Approachable (tons of guides on our website)

Whether you are a new player or veteran, we are looking for team players who want to contribute to a community. All of our members are active, decent human beings (except our corporate Grandpa, Helltrek) with lives outside of the game. Given that, we also have plenty of memes!

Monthly Krypted Updates
Fleet Commander Logs
EVE Online Guides

Come chat with us in our Discord!

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