Unable to add account by ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR added error from loglite

I saw a black screen launcher. White screen launcher. Monochrome screen. Every week I get hemorrhoids. This is due to unattainable programming heights. Our time is too behind to display the launcher is always normal. So I’ll take the tambourine again. So friends, what spells should I cast to my stone computer?

And yes. I already checked “beta launcher”, did not help. And I checked the permissions, everything is fine. And reindexed the files. And dubbed dns to a new one on the command line. Did not help.

LoadFailed …\src\customwebpage.cpp in CustomWebPage::onLoadFinished : Couldn’t open https://login.eveonline.com/account/logoff?lang=ru&ReturnUrl=%2Fv2%2Foauth%2Fauthorize%3Fclient_id%3DeveLauncherTQ%26response_type%3Dcode%26scope%3DeveClientLogin%20cisservice.customerRead.v1%20cisservice.customerWrite.v1%26redirect_uri%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Flogin.eveonline.com%2Flauncher%3Fclient_id%3DeveLauncherTQ%26state%3D3be1c150-35b7-4859-9887-8d8b8af94440%26code_challenge_method%3DS256%26code_challenge%3DlDlevfv9mE9xj8cf7FVoYWZix2_IN8vlEBg3YGpenPs%26ignoreClientStyle%3Dtrue%26showRemember%3Dtrue

WTH, guys? What i need to do?

One person having a similar problem analyz traffic with Fiddler. I also put it and understood a little. Some packages are not sent somewhere.
Then I tapped the tambourine and chose to send some packets somewhere. Using obscure menu items and appealing to the spirits of the stone altar-computer. They went and I was suddenly able to add an account to the launcher. But I knock tambourin at each stage.
May the Force be with you!

Same ‘malfunction’ from Hungary!!! I can’t add a new account in any way… ! This client doesn’t work normally… [client 1673752 | launcher 1672302 | ui 6.3.7 ] … ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR|324x500

Yep! I hope Fiidler help you. https://telerik-fiddler.s3.amazonaws.com/fiddler/FiddlerSetup.exe

1.Start F. Start Eve
2. Press add account, switch to F. window
3. In the left column you shell see one or two t unnels with red or orange color. Mb another mark, but not white, blue or green. You see this tunnel and anderstood - something wrong! (telepathy lvl1)
4, Press at this tunnels, press S (or RMC, Replay Sequentially, 5), 5, OK.
5. Switch to add account eroor-white page. RMC, reload.
Reply steps with Replay Sequentially every time when add account page have error, when you entering mail code.

May the Force be with you!


I had the same problem. Solution came from EVE support center as follow:

Thank you for contacting us regarding your issue.
This is most likely caused by the cookies file of the launcher.

Please try the steps described on https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002928779-Unable-to-Log-Into-Account-or-Update-Launcher to resolve your issue.

  • Press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard while pressing R (this will open a run window).
  • Copy and paste the following line into the run window: %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\
  • You should see a few folders there. One should be named QtWebEngine
  • Open that folder. Then open Default.
  • Delete the two of the files in there. Cookies and Cookies-journal.
  • Try logging in again.

This is an old solution, and initially it did not help me. I don’t know, maybe these actions caused the next few downloads. Eve downloaded about 100 MB in three patches after that. I can not tell. I only know that right at the time of the error, it was the feedler that enabled the launch program and the server to be connected. Now I am mentally preparing for the following errors. I am sure that something else will break in the near future. And so far I have been solving only about a third of the all old game errors.

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Thank you. This solves the issue perfectly.

Glad I could help. I am sure this is not the last mistake. So I wish you patience.
Ps. You have created a very beautiful face for the pilot.

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