Under the MAC 15.0 system, it becomes very stuck outside the space station, and the overview cannot be fully loaded

Under the MAC 15.0 system, it becomes very stuck outside the space station, and the overview cannot be fully loaded. After testing, the Chinese font of the new version may change (changing the language to English does not cause the above problems). I hope CCP can follow up the new update of MAC. Thank you!



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WHEN RUNNING EVE IN CHINESE UNDER THE LATEST 15.0 SYSTEM VERSION OF MAC, THE SHIP WILL BE SERIOUSLY STUCK OUTSIDE THE STATION, AND THE OVERVIEW CANNOT BE FULLY LOADED. After testing, the Chinese font of the new version may change (changing the language to English does not cause the above problems). I hope CCP can follow up the new update of MAC. Thank you!

I think the words you were looking for are “Please file a bug report so we can investigate the issue” ?

Please make sure to check the Bug Reports page.

And make sure to submit this issue using the in game client bug report using F12, this will help the developers find the issue.

I have submitted a description about this bug, when it will be fixed, and it is completely impossible to play the game for a while.

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When will you fix this problem, I can’t play the game now

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