Unpopular Opinion: Aren't the Marauder buffs just power creep?

Hmm, I wonder if they even know what path they might be following. Right now it is a mess.

I agree with this opinion. What is the rationale behind these buffs?

I don’t think nerfs without reason are good, but neither are buffs without reason good.

When the change to marauders initially was ‘double dps for increased commitment of 90s bastion’ I could see what CCP was trying to do, although I didn’t agree with the execution (poor 60s MJD timer…); CCP tried making the Marauders commit more for more damage.

But now that Mauarders get a straight buff of less commitment (60s → 30s bastion timer), do they really still need that double dps buff?

Even without that double dps, Marauders some of the most capable PvE ships ingame. Does the game need to become easier?

That was before my time (started playing during Odyssey in summer 2013, didn’t start training into all 4 marauders (Pally, Kronos, Vargur, Golem in that order) until 2016 iirc)…

but from what I’ve heard, they (or at least the Pally and Kronos?) had a nice web bonus back in the day pre-bastion as well? not as good as Vindi or anything, but better than default webs.

Well, consider that it’s basically a more expensive and less capable dreadnought id say they need plenty of love.

I’ve always thought they should have taken the same logic of attack battlecruisers - low tank, but very fast, oversized guns… and blap dreads.

Yeah, those 2 used to have a web bonus:

2% bonus to stasis webifier velocity factor per Amarr/Gallente BS level

And on top of that: Back then webs had a 90% speed penalty on the target, instead of the 60% we have now.

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in the old times in my village marauders had 300% bonus to turret dps
only god knows why they changed …

o/ Hey Pedro!

I agree that this Marauder buff seems strange. The buffs still don’t really do anything to make them viable outside of Highsec L4’s. Sure you can roam low or null with them and enjoy the increased DPS, but you’re going to get dropped on quickly. The only place I think they’re a tad bit more viable is maybe C5 PVE.

Other than that I’ve enjoyed seeing more Marauders in space and have enjoyed ganking them! :slight_smile:

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I gonna be that guy and start with, stop the pre conceived image of HIGH sec. Sometimes I wish CCP would disable HS so people could realize how wrong they are. NS ppl are always full of it, but when blackout came in a lot of tough guys logged off.

Continuing, after the depreciation of mission runners which I gotta say are wasting their lives with marauders to run L4’s, since GILA is the king of PVE. It’s faster, easier and afkier. (and I have to thank null sec for introducing me to sig tanking), after some adaptations of my own my Gila trivializes almost all L4’s to the point I don’t need to waste my life waiting to warp or to reach the a.g.

SO, maybe CCP is trying to provoke people to use marauders outside PvE? It’s not CCP’s fault if veterans are so used to their routines they don’t try anything new.

I can see your ISK/h incoming already, but check this out: my personal life necessities >>> EVE super efficiency.

And that’s the beauty of flexible designs.

I also agree that closing your eyes and going with Rattlesnake is not a balanced game.

Just my 1 PLEX to put another POV, maybe WH and other people also have POVs instead of this pre conceived “FARMERS” ideology.

Just saying, ratting is in no way better than running missions, even if for better isk/hour you killing your brain. Ratting AFK with 5 alts is just being cynical to call others farmers and power creep while ratting in CAPS.


Oh ho! that’s the part I either didn’t hear about or had forgotten… so ALL webs were more like the serp bonused webs of today back then. hm.

Yes and no :).

It is a lot more complicated then that, because you have to factor in other things as well. While just looking at the stats of webs it might seem, that they were a lot more efffective back then, it is not exactly the case.

Back then warp scramblers did not switch off MWDs and ships in general could be fit to be a lot faster than they are today.

Take the machariel as an example… I know ppl who used to fit their machs for speed back then and they were able to push it above 20km/s, while still being able to actually fight other ppl. Webbed at 90% that would still allow them to travel at 2 km/s.

With a Paladin or Kronos you could reduce that to only 200m/s. So the web bonus on those was pretty decent back then.

Today a machariel can reach around 4km/s (?) with a 60% web applied that speed is reduced to 1.6 km/s.

If we take the old Paladin and Kronos with todays webs the machariel would still reach 1.36 Km/s. So as you can see the old Marauders did profit a lot from their web bonus back then, but then as the nano nerf and rework of webs and scramblers was done, the bonus became pretty much useless and was replaced.

But as you can also see it´s hard to compare todays webs with webs from back then, because the entire situation was different back then.

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