Upgrade logistics

yes we already have to much ships in the game ! and why do you need a second curier contract system ? the first one does his job perfect ! iyour idea useless because a hauling systrem already exist !

still not an afk gameplay ! or better said … passive gameplay ! you need to be active !

dont care … i get my insurance ! so its safe :wink:

its useless ! you need to understand this fact ! nobody needs such stupid NPC afk hauling stuff …

no, you’re just being a troll.

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no more arguements ? :wink:

ok … lets ignore my facts !

Whats your selling point of this NPC hauling service ? whats the big improvement to eve online if CCP would implement this ?

IMO if the NPCs offer collateral then it’s just a way to turn half your goods into the full amount of ISK. You’re basically able to spawn loot pinatas on demand. If they have no CONCORD protection it’s useless because then they just get whacked by any tom dick and harry with a pvp fit ship.

What facts? You’re just ranting.

I already said in a previous post. I’m not going to keep answering the same question over and over.

Yeah that would be terrible. No collateral.

Why would they bother if it’s just a bunch of junk? Is 1 mil isk spread over 500m3 of modules worth the 15 minute suspect flag? Their time is better spent waiting for a real target.

Furthermore, the npc org that would provide the service would likely be Interbus. If you keep killing their ships, you’d lose standing with them and be unable to use the service yourself.

I’m sure if the feature is released, a lot of those npcs would die initially… but eventually people would get board of killing them.


The issue with a suspect flag is that it requires the average highsec dweller to do something about it, and they’re usually bad at organizing. If my marauder already has a timer from blowing up the last three transports, might as well whack the next one and see if there’s anything good in it.


Right, it would require player interaction. That’s the point. It’s a content feature that encourages players to interact with each other.

What’s more likely to happen, is hunters would fight each other. If you find it worthwhile to use a marauder to do this content, it will encourage others to do the same… or for people who like to kill marauders to form fleets and hunt the hunters.

The “if there’s anything good in it” is the key point. There will be a threshold, where the stuff in the cargo, isn’t even worth picking up. A player might just want to blow it up, to deny the material from another player. but that sort of open ended system is very much in the spirt of what EVE is all about.

sure, but is it really worth while to have a dedicated alt to deal with these npcs when most of what is transported is trash?

The value of the transported items will likely hinge on how often the shipments blow up (ie: it depends on player activity.) The more they’re attacked, the less valuable the average item shipped using the feature will be, and if they’re not attacked that often, people will start risking more valuable items.

where did i rant xD and btw … i bring facts and you just bring your opinion and nothing of value :wink:

so lets see …

if this is your big sales point then its worse then its worse then curier contracts ! so … there is no sales point and no big improvement !

ppl are attacking MTU´s and they are not worth to risk a ship ! … and you only get a suspect flag xD so kill all the NPC haulers you find out there only to produce more salt then any ganker could do !

you see ? terrible idea !

nobody would care about this !

are gankers get bored to kill worthless miners ? and with your terrible idea they didnt even would lose their ship !

so youre saying that NPC hauling service are more interaction to each other then the actual existing curier contracts ?

you dont need a marauder to kill an NPC hauler … you can see it with “diamnond rats” and their haulers … if you ever had interact with them !

so you only want to create such stupid idea because you want to blow up all the worthless stuff out there ? oO then this is exactly what would happen !

Dont mind Vuhdo Rin he is provocating people among other things to derail threads or even get them closed. Best way to deal with him seems to be either ignore or ask him a simple question :slight_smile:

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yes i´m doing :wink: but with facts ! maybe also with my attitude but a fact is a fact !

if its a good idea then i never would say anthing against this idea ! but 98% of the ideas in this forum are ■■■■■■■■ !

if you cant handle the truth, another opinion or facts then do so xD

but nobody can ask a simple question … ! like you … and its easy to answer a simple question but you all see this answer then as troll or rant only because you cant handle a conversation … xD

Going to play some Civilization 5 :slight_smile:

your right ! bad ideas need to shut down as fast as possible … my bad that i didnt done it yet !

@ISD_Traindriver can we now close this thread ? its the same ■■■■ as it was in this Jita on demand - EVE Technology and Research Center / Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums thread and this thread was closed for a reason !

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