Upgrades to PI left to the vacation student

Just looking at the upgrades to the PI interface; touted as a major improvement to useability (apparently with CSM input). They just stuck a big RESET button on it.
The difficulty in using this interface should be obvious, and none of it has been improved. Things like:

  • trying to view a white extractor radius on a white background
  • the grid-snap which happens every time you pick up an extractor head
  • the inability to see visually when an extractor is overlapping without looking at a separate dialog
  • the inability to figure out easily which head is overlapping

I would have liked to see a checkbox to “stop overlaps” ideally, but at least some visual indicators when moving extractor heads so they could be positioned quickly without reference to a separate dialog. Just resetting the extraction is less than no use to those of use trying to ensure something close to optimum extraction.

It’s the head that is too close to another head:

You should notice the red error of overlapping appear when you place the offending head. I always thought it was kind of noticeable.

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If only the screen graphic used black borders like your diagram. Off-white would be closer to reality.
Yes, there is a red error when the heads overlap - but that’s not on the graphic, its on a separate dialog. You have to look away from what you’re doing to see which heads are overlapping and look back to correct it.
Thats the point; its very poor workflow and could easily be made simple by having indication on the graphic.
…or improved by removing the hassle altogether and giving the option of not allowing overlaps.

Yeah this is a Nothing Burger upgrade to PI.

Having a massive reset button is about as much use as a handbrake in a canoe.

Anyone worth their salt whose doing PI, will be maximising yields.

I see no benefit to this at all.

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Every few weeks I look at my extractor heads to see if they need to be moved.

Often I don’t move them at all, sometimes I move a couple.

Resetting the extractor time is what I usually do and it took many clicks.

It takes few clicks now.

This is good.

With the delay on the restart button for the next planet it takes nearly the same time to restart a planet then it took before. Also it misses the option to restart while the extractors are running.

It may still have the same delays it always had, but it’s a lot less clicking.

I like the change.